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Everything posted by SS8_Gohan

  1. damn... wonder what my car would have made... we ran it on the dyno to check AFR's after putting it in (chasers, not status) and everything was fine, actually said there was still quite a bit in just going of the AFR's. Oh well, something for the new owner to have a nice surprise about.
  2. bah... if i'd known you did this scotty i'd so have employed your services!! i too found the limits of the rev210 intake mod and got Chasers to fab me up a full metal intake pipe, standard BOV and airbox, couple 45 degree bends... so it was pretty straight... fairly pricey though as apparently it was quite fiddly to get right.
  3. i would think that's a flywheel torque number?
  4. hahaha, i got votes in the R34 GTR section as well... My 34 is sold and now in Canberra , and as Hamish said, a non-SAU member.
  5. ^ the workshop the car is being built at has their own dyno/tuner
  6. found the same with mine, asked them to cut it open during the cars major service, just like new they said - so yeah, its really going to depend on the car i guess
  7. Chasers made mine because, as other people have found, the rev210 mod does have it's limits. 2 x 45 degree bends were used in the end i think, they wanted it as straight as possible. They did say it was tricky to get it to work, which must be what all of you guys are talking about. I have the standard airbox and standard BOV, plum-backed. Wasn't cheap, $300+, but still let me run everything as it was and in it's most standard configuration, whilst being the straightest possible pipe. that should all be past tense, as i no longer have the car
  8. the car has been on carsales and ebay previously as well - definitely been hanging around for a while
  9. ^ fillers. The detailers for the high end luxo marques are notorious for their shoddy work. It looked great initially, until you washed all the fillers away. looks like the guy used a thorough detailing process, good find to get someone who knows what they're doing. So many hack detailers out there. DarkRyda, should be able to pick up that stuff relatively easily over the net - there's pretty much nothing you can buy from supercheap/autobarn that is decent to use on your car. if you have trouble get the Megs stuff and want to jump up a bit, i'd HIGHLY recommend Final Inspections new polish range. CAP Medium and CAP Ultra fine (jewellers rouge) for those looking for a great dual action (also known as forced rotation) machines, Festool make the best ones, 125 and 150 rotex. But IMO, there Bosch GEX150T for around $360 at bunnings is just as good for half the price. Fantastic unit.
  10. dude, it's a myth. my car ran on E85 for about 18months straight, also didn't get driven for weeks at a time as well. Car still in perfect health. if you're talking say a 1985 car or something like that, perhaps, but really any of our cars will be fine.
  11. what mods do you have and what do you have planned? plugin G4 would be a fantastic choice either way, very capable ECU. You could go Nistune as well for a more bang for buck option.
  12. yeah, but it's then too much of a sacrifice of your LSP
  13. you should always have a pre-rinse stage when washing, but unfortunately a 'foam' wash/rinse is not going to be enough to remove all dirt from the paint. You certainly wouldn't want to be drying after just a foam wash. pre-rinse is one of the main things have helped me keep the black car relatively swirl free even after 6-7months since the last detail.
  14. carsales listing fee is generally covered via stolen credit card details. carsales, tradingpost, gumtree - quite often you'll see a bunch of 'classifieds' fees fraud on the one card number, so there are a lot of fake listings out there
  15. nulon have a habit of claiming their fluids are full synth when they're just a GrpIII oil - their argument would be that it's "close enough" to a full synth. i'd stay clear of Nulon, especially for a R35
  16. when my car had issues with the stock coils, it sounded like a wrx, ie dropped a cylinder. That very distinctive boxer style rumble. could be coils i suppose. have had you compression/leak down tests down? checked timing belt? etc...
  17. are these the HD jobbies that you can use for like skiing and shit as well or am i thinking of something else?
  18. ^ if you catch him there, he's not there as much these days I'd give Trent @ Status tuning a call (now known as chequered tuning www.chequeredtuning.com) - all Trent does now is tune, and he is very knowledgeable across a wide range of ECU's. I'm sure he would look after you very well for whatever your plans are
  19. yep, 104c, manildra
  20. i think he/she is referring to the "skills shortage" and perhaps inferring that pay and conditions make it tough for people to stick it out as a career perhaps? hence a shortage of people in a 'skills' trade.... i dunno
  21. You can see how it dips and dives, be interesting to see how real the sensation feels in comparison
  22. maybe it is equiv to our 98 ours are labelled RON, US is labelled (RON+MON)/2 i believe. RON is more of a controlled test rating, whereas MON is tested in more 'real world' conditions i guess you could say. so what country are you in?
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