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Everything posted by SS8_Gohan

  1. that car looks familiar......
  2. i have a black R34 for sale i'm sure i could look after SAU Vic people
  3. what power you chasing? i was under the impression stock R34 GTR dumps are fine for quite a bit of power
  4. tell your dad to buy my one, that way, you can 'upgrade' off him in a year or two or have a quick 34 to take out on the weekend
  5. 19" TE37's owner is on the forums, username escapes me at the moment, check the massive R34 thread in the photography section.
  6. Charles, noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo please, dispose of all FW1 cans (recycle if possible) - that stuff is the work of the devil. enjoy your plastics/exterior trim whilst you still have it, same for your clear as well.. to everyone else using it, it's some of the harshest crap you could use on a car. for the love of everything skyline, please stop using it! there's no real need for a waterless system anyway - put a bucket in your shower and collect the water as it heats up, you'll have plenty for even weekly washes.
  7. Altia front/side - normal rear bumper there is no need for speculation. You have a very common 'sports' option kit which is most likely genuine (there are copies around) I have no idea why the place you asked was specluating about 'bolt-on' it's a bumper for goodness sakes, they all 'bolt-on'. This sort of stuff is R34 101 - if some workshop doesn't know about these kit variances they haven't been paying attention for the last 8-9 years they've been available here. The skirts/front bumper will command a fairly decent sum if you decide to sell. IMO, it's one of the best kit options (besides East Bear of course ) for the 34 - definitely keep it
  8. it's not Nismo, it's an Altia front bar (got any other pics?) Basically, before the R34 was released, Nissan gave the specs/designs etc to a company called 'Altia' and they developed 'sports' option kits for the R34 for release date. The front bar you have is made by Altia and is the option kit. The Nismo kit looks different again and is very rare to see a genuine one. The front bar you have is much better than the standard one IMO (and most peoples) The bonnet is completely fine and as-intended. I'm not sure what else you're referring, but that's a normal non GTR and series 2? bonnet. The front bar (if genuine) is plastic as well, being a factory item - not cheap, so if you want to sell, don't give it away. You'll have no trouble selling if you really wanted to. ?? The front bumper is MORE in keeping with the straighter lines, sharper angles of the R34... i'm not sure why you think it's out of place? the standard front bumper is a lot tamer. Pics of sides/rear will tell us what else you have.
  9. Just Cars will basically let you gamble as well, lower premium but insanely high excess - feeling lucky? and i think max payout for 3rd party fire/theft is $5k? not great for a S2 33
  10. don't get all sooky just because you've shot yourself in the foot and been proven completely wrong - you came on hear telling me i'm talking crap, i refute it and show you to be wrong and now you're having a cry - man up dorothy. It's not google numb nut, it's the fuel i buy from my local E85 station anyways, it's a pity such a monster of a car has some ignorant businesses jumping on for an exposure ride.. anyways, nitto/paul/trent, what fuel system are you running on this thing??? id2000's and 11ty 044's? so did it or didn't it get on the track?
  11. fw1 is basically a swear word, and the first pic you put up looks pretty dull, pretty much what you'd expect from fw1 - dude, this is the crap they push at service stations enjoy your plastics and exterior trim whilst you still have them, and also your clear coat for that matter as well... one of THE harshest things you can use on your car and FULL of fillers. Please, or all our sakes in this thread that are remotely interesting in looking after our cars, dispose of the can properly (recycle if possible) and follow the advice in this thread. And so close to Final Inspection as well... no real need for waterless systems if you're in Melb, the only semi-decent one is QEW and i'm pretty sure not available at autobarn- but otherwise just save water from the shower heating up and you'll have a stack of water for weekly washes. Hibino, you're after PWC - Power Wheel Cleaner - fantastic product and i believe based on citrus extracts so at least relatively friendly. http://www.finalinspection.com.au/store/pr...;products_id=46
  12. $28,700 Caltex has officially started pumping E85 so even if you're interstate, you're now going to have E85 options
  13. that's why i harp on about Splitfires dude!! they're not that much more expensive either - just get some blues ones in there and be done with it
  14. http://www.powerplusfuel.com.au/resellers.php?fuel_type=1 - PowerPlus where we prefer to get our E85 here in Melb really have made a bit of a d|ick of yourself haven't you 'v8fuels'
  15. ok, i'll fight it out with all the other asians at pump 8
  16. right oh, looks fantastic now, you'll definitely notice it that's for sure. do you have an aftermarket catback exhaust?
  17. woh... you had some wavy ass curve going on there initially ey? Nistune? is this the first time tuned or has it been tuned before?
  18. i belive the term "off the reservation" may be apt here... You sir are a complete tool. Did you bother to read the thread? Obviously not, because only someone moronic would come out with the statements you have. CSR provide the E85 to United, (i can scan the brochure if you like although it doesn't say if United cuts it or it's supplied as E85) which is slightly inferior to Manildra's E85... obviously you aren't aware of this due to whatever hole you've crawled out of to post here. 'Nitto' confirmed that Sucrogen is not available at the pumps, ergo, CSR E85 i was referring to is NOT the Sucrogen you're ranting on about. You state yourself that you blend it, which i assume to mean you take delivery of E100 and cut it yourself. Two different CSR fuels dip shit! READ next time... although from your posts, i'm not entirely sure you're capable of this What planet did you just come down from? For someone claiming to be so knowledgeable about E85 you clearing are just posturing behind a keyboard with ridiculous claims such as 'never be higher than 99 octane'. With the limited number of brain cells that you seem to have functioning, why don't you have a little look around this section at the results people have had with PUMP E85 and then come back and explain how this was possible on a 99 octane fuel. When you do, man up, admit you're wrong and piss off back to wherever it is you came until you have something constructive to add.
  19. here in oz are you seeing things on the interwebz?
  20. what the wideband think of it? and talk about quite cheaper than United/Fueltown
  21. oh yeah, didn't think of plugs and cat... ok, thanks for the info
  22. oh yes, it would be horrible BUT... it was a hypothetical in case the situation arose that you couldn't change maps - would it still be drivable for say 50km's or so?
  23. yeah i saw a scrolling thing on Sky news yday morning saying holden has relased their flex-fuel cars - surprise surprise nothing on the holden website, but it seems to be official so assumed the Caltex stations were up and running. definitely let us know how you go i do have something to ask the people of this thread, something that a potential buyer of my car has asked. He wanted to know that if the car was on the E85 map, and for whatever reason you couldn't change it (laptop died, USB consult cable not working, etc) would you be able to drive it on 98 etc? I thought it might be ok if you took it VERY easy as there would be a lot more fuel yeah? but also more timing? i thought maybe with the extra fuel in the tune it MIGHT make it safe to drive very sedately despite the extra timing. thoughts?
  24. phew... i was about to say, you were being taken for a ride if someone wanted to remove the bonnet and spray the whole thing. PDR, paintless dent removal, is definitely the way to go for things like that. For places to go "well, we CAN do it, but it's not going to be cheap" and just seeing someone rock up with a $150K car and trying to score. good on ya for going the PDR route, much much better option. You still retain all the original paint and i'm sure saved yourself and absolute bundle. What was it, $60 or so? as for body shops, yes there are good trades people about who don't work in 'exotic' specialist places BUT you have to be in the know, like GTR32G to find them, which means, going the high-end exotic route is the safe option and i think decent advice. the other thing is that these places have a greater chance of looking after the car properly in their care as oppose to other places that might joy-ride
  25. there is absolutely no where else to go in Melbourne besides Final Inspection /thread - in all seriousness, you'd be mad to go else where if you wanted the best job. i agree with domino (who owned a black 350z prev with GTC's?), get it pro detailed once, and then maintain it after. everything you need to purchase is available at www.finalinspection.com.au - the best stuff is there, get Damian to make up a maintenance kit for you. forums.finalinspection.com.au (Detail Addiction) will sort out any queries you have as well. Damian to detail, you to maintain with FI products = better than factory looking GTR
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