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Everything posted by SS8_Gohan

  1. ^ you could say that about a lot lancers and civics too TMQ was there, hahaha - been on a couple cruises with him with the Detail Addiction guys. Used to work for Final Inspection. R34 GTRs certainly getting around these days...
  2. Car Tint is meant to be like the Final Inspection of car tinting. It would seem that it's the best place to go. I'd definitely head there if i needed some tinting done.
  3. hahaha, my girlfriend asked one day if she thought i'd spent more money on the car compared to her... can't quite remember how i got out of that one a mate of mine is looking to buy an x-trail, i thought of your car and told him he should boost it thanks for compliments on the car though Just finished the detailing yesterday (or 95% finished) sealant tomorrow (Final Inspection Seal) and then it's proper pictures time
  4. i doubt anyone can beat Harold's price (performancelub.com)
  5. i appreciate the full picture mate they're not coilovers, just bilstein shocks and whiteline springs, but with groovey things to change the height. Not sure if that's what you mean. It's just the SydneyKid group buy kit. If you were look at the tops of them in the engine bay, they wouldn't look adjustable etc
  6. just spreading the love to the skyline section my bad
  7. http://theage.drive.com.au/motor-news/car-...00507-ujoz.html and for those that can't be bothered clicking... "Car lovers look to foreign shores to find their perfect sets of wheels" Usual scare factor in there and what a load of bullshit about street racing and 'safety'!! We all know that the local manufacturers went to Canberra and had a whinge saying they were losing massive business (my ass) and the clamped down. Street-racing one is stupid because their very laws TARGET the importation of high performance vehicles! Don't SEVS vehicles in general have to meet a kw/tonne number? In any case, it's an enthusiast scheme that targets performance cars, and yet they're "apparently" complaining about street racing. Of course a commondoor or falcon have never been involved in street racing Article was good until the tripe at the bottom. Safety pfft... we're talking about ALL the major manufacturers here and he's claiming safety concerns? It's got baby seat anchors! Five star safety everyone!
  8. wow! thanks for all the replies everyone! height is adjustable so that's an easy one. So is boost controller in cabin. Car doesn't have anything but factory UV cut glass. Still have standard shocks/springs anyway. and don't worry about the 'clean' department. Just about finished detailing it... maybe i can just wow the inspector due to it's chrome like finish considering i dismantled half the interior just to vacuum bits that you'll never see is perhaps a bit OCD, but i guarantee it will present extremely well thanks again everyone, it does seem like luck plays a part but judging from the responses, on the whole it doesn't seem to be too bad
  9. technically speaking, the OP was asking what to buy next and didn't actually refer to 'upgrade' - why i was mentioning things like DSG GTi's etc. i would still pick a 135i over the 335i. Lighter yet get just as big as brakes as the bigger brother Interesting to see what time dad's car would pull with the chip in it..... isn't there some iphone app for this? maybe i can come back with some hard numbers
  10. @Dior - yup and if whiplash has his card with my bank i'll be annoyed, as he would have been given completely useless information. Quite likely to happen when you speak to someone at the call centre. sarz: it's not really luck. They HAVE to give you the money back. If you say it was made without your authority, and sign a stat dec saying that, then it was made without your authority That's really the end of it, money back to you. Unless you're talking about internet banking fraud. or maybe ATM txns. That's a whole other ballgame... One other thing, a 'dispute' and 'fraud' were not born equal. Fraud will be refunded quickly. A 'dispute' can take months, ie, go the fraud route Fraud tip #1: If flying to Sydney and taking a taxi from the airport to wherever, DO NOT pay for the trip with credit card. A counterfeit will most likely end up in the western suburbs of sydney a few months down the track.
  11. Hi guys just wondering how hard it would be to rego my car in S.A.? Had some SA interest for the car and they were thinking the rego process would be a nightmare given the car (see sig) To be honest, i would have thought it wouldn't be too much of an issue. I don't have crazy spoilers, stupid ride height, high mount turbo etc. Turbo is low mount highflow, so looks stock, still running stock airbox. Body kit is factory looking. Exhaust is quiet. Surely it would be ok? just trying to see what the situation is like in S.A. when it comes to rego'ing a modified car. cheers, daniel
  12. who's the CC with and have you signed up for any "free" trials? it's ok... you can tell us ok, just to clear a few things up. 1). If you see a charge that isn't yours and can thoroughly not account for it, don't just dispute it, close the bloody card! What is the point of placing a dispute, when someone has the card number and will just keep putting transactions through. Don't fall into the trap of "oh it's only $10..." etc. If the txn is not yours, ditch the card. You'll only have much bigger headaches down the track. Someone has your card number, kill the card. 2). All major banks can handle this shit over the phone, you must have just lucked out with a numb-nut. If it's not yours, they'll stop the card, create a new one, get it in 3-5 working days and start the dispute process. Good luck at the branch, as they'll most likely have no idea what's going on. Branch are pretty much clueless when it comes to fraud, deal with this stuff over the phone. There is no need to go to the branch what-so-ever. Get card stopped, start dispute process, wait for new card. 1 phone call. Getting you to go to a branch and setup internet banking is beyond stupid. A complete and utter waste of your time. There are many ways to get card details and aussie sites definitely get hacked regularly. Could be a million things. wire-tapping (highly unlikely in oz, and results in counterfeit fraud, not moto fraud) sql attack (highly likely) third party processing hack (possible if used o.s. sites, more related to o.s. swiped spend) algorithm fraud (uncommon these days) shit on your computer (likely) you've signed up for porn (?) you've been overseas with the card in the last 18months? Ask the bank what mcc the merchant is listed as having. I'm guessing the mcc will be 5967 EDIT: Depsite what the banks may try and sell you, ALL Visa/MasterCard products have consumer protection "built-in" to the product itself. Doesn't matter who you're with. Goods or serivces not received, not authorised, etc... the product itself already covers you in the event of fraud. So from a money point of view there isn't really anything to worry about.
  13. bah... blow all this money on a Blitz Spec-R DSBC and i didn't get a missile switch for high boost.... jibbed!
  14. Dad has a 335i with Active Autowerke Active Processor, in stock form it is just ridiculously responsive. If no one told you it was twin turbo, you wouldn't pick it. No lag what-so-ever. Back to back with my R34, you can definitely tell it doesn't quite have the mid/top-end, but for a street car it's perhaps what you want anyway. Chip certainly made it move lively. Brakes are fantastic, steering great. Ride is quite firm. Would like to see what they're like with non-run flats. And a great looking car to top it off. I'd recommend a 335i if the budget stretches, but i'd probably recommend a 135i more - but beware, BMW build quality is rather shite-house these days (a lot of manu's have gone down hill recently, toyota/bmw) so be pretty for lots of gremlins, of the electronic kind and others.
  15. Sam has a great rep and has worked on many a SAU car , but to be fair, if your preferred tuner is not available for whatever reason, there are still some very good people to take the car to in Melb. Heard of Race Pace? Trent @ Status Tuning would be your other top choice for tuning.
  16. might be a HDR photo
  17. for some of the posts on page one, from a quick skim read was the AUD mentioned? if not, for those say why at $100 /barrel the price didn't drastically fall at the pump when it went to $30, that's because the AUD was massively strong and then piss weak... the 2 together kinda kept pace with each with regards to what you pay the pump, pretty simple really. it's good and bad... aud helps stop the price getting really high at the pump when it's strong, but then doesn't help prices get cheap when oil drops, because 99%, aud will drop with it.
  18. if a R35 is out of the price range, about $150k, so we're talking about $100K and down? don't think there'll be any 911t's in the range unless they're old. Evo9? or maybe just some luxo cruiser? economical fun car, dsg GTi?
  19. aaaand the point is?? i think RE weren't running an air temp sensor or something last time? hence the results people got. At the risk of sounding like a rusty gate, yes they are just tuning tools and maybe it was just configured purely for that task?? don't know the ins and outs of dynos though...
  20. ahh... track, i guess that kinda explains it. didn't even mention geoff?? it's good to hear there's actually a reputable import yard around. the majority play their part in giving the import industry a bad name.
  21. UnCo, didn't your engine need a rebuild though? a reputable import dealership? well i'll be.....
  22. SS8_Gohan

    Shell Petrol

    want max RON, just go get some E85 ze ultimate fuel
  23. how random... imported from the U.S.? nice work though. Mind if i ask how much? pm if you like have fun!
  24. almost certain coil packs. Easy fix, splitfires and away you go. km's doesn't really seem to have anything to do with it, they are just prone to failing. Relatively cheap fix and nothing major is really going wrong anyway.
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