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Everything posted by SS8_Gohan

  1. ok, so i'm thinking i'll just put a set of Endless MX72 pads in for my Alcons for track day this saturday - ring up the aussie dealers etc, get a set, get em changed, easy.... yeah.... no. Centrax don't have anything available, maybe a race compound but definitely not MX72, and doubts even Japan would have stock, prob would have to be ordered (around 6 weeks) so my MX72 options are probably out - am i going to have this problem for anything i want to put in? wouldn't have the first clue how to take the pads out (can't jack car up anyway with what i have at home) so i can't just whip em out and trace pad shape. But i'm hoping some other SAU'ers have these brakes and could perhaps point me in the direction of last minute options? I don't think the fronts HAVE to be changed, it was mentioned they were low'ish. But given how i drive, probably not going to be an issue, but would be nice to change if possible. thanks! EDIT: after some more googling, this MIGHT be the pad shape http://www.ferodoracing.com/catalogue/detail_car_racing.php?cat=brake_pads&code=FRP3081 152x51x16 mm MAKE MODEL ALCON PNF4497x607 - Monoblock 6 - Th. 16mm I THINK that's my brakes. So as long as i find some 152x51x16 sized pads i should be fine?
  2. yes, the MX72 does seem to get a very good rap. mind if i ask where you bought from? and price? and how do i figure out what i need for my alcons as i take they come in a few sizes/shapes/patterns?
  3. sweet, reckon you could go lower or any lower and it will scrub?
  4. full sun shots, exact angle/lighting post paint correction shot, no where really to hide there - looks like a very good job! (unlike some who post the befores and then go for the easy 'reflection' shot afters). exhausts look great too!
  5. seems like they're sold, but in case it falls through is this the twin 80mm to 90mm merge version?
  6. hey Steve, what sized spacers did you get and what size are the rims? hubcentric spacers yeah?
  7. need some new pads for the front of my R - does having big Alcons mean anything in terms of pad choice? i was thinking of just going Ferodo DS2500's - but they seem to have been around for a long time, so i'm open to newer and better things if there's anything around. i'm running Ferodo or Endless at the moment, not 100% sure which, they're blue What are the 34 R owners using for a street/track pad?
  8. Steve, Final Inspection for a detail - Damian is the guy you want for detailing work. As for washing? i say invest in the proper products and DIY.
  9. Nope, not looking for a "you're right" comment at all. Yes we all have opinions NISMOGTT, but as US Senator Daniel Moynihan put it, "Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not to his own facts." i'm not offering an opinion on the unemployment rate, i'm offering the facts. I'm not particularly offering an opinion on Australia's tax burden either as individuals or as a % of GDP, i'm offering the facts. Whilst if we were talking about say whether you like milk or dark chocolate, then yes, it's perfectly fine to use "everyone is entitled to their opinion" in that context, but sometimes it just does not apply. A bad example, but one none-the-less, 1 + 1= 2, you cannot have your own opinion about whether that is correct or not. (and no, it doesn't = a window) Aaron, sorry to have followed off on a tangent in this thread, as the auction was over, i thought there wasn't too much of an issue to have a bit of a discussion. And by the way, the 'stop whining' was perhaps the whole point of this discussion, Australia should do that. Anyways, as we're not particularly discussing anything in particular anymore, i'll leave it be. Merry Christmas all
  10. hahah, yeah that's true. just buy straight ethanol and mix yourself! but for normal tunes, a variation of E% a few in either direction isn't going to make a difference. Don't think Trent has anything smaller than a 5% change resulting in any timing/fueling change on my maps
  11. when i was using Caltex, they were bang on E70 the whole time (except for one batch in the dead of winter being bout E65) which reminds me, i need to check with Caltex if they've switched to 85% - you could always buy a sensor, not run flex-fuel but just use it as a monitoring tool.
  12. got United E85 available to you? no issues with consistency at all. Drum E85 is a huge rip-off
  13. Matt, the issue is that if someone when presented with the facts can't realise when they're wrong, then how are we to effectively meet the big challengers we have or have any semblence of a rational discussion? It's at least worth the effort to try and get people like Wardski to see reason in the hope that their misinformation doesn't spread further. That's why i've bothered to keep responding because it works both ways. Misinformation breeds misinformation, but if the next time Wardski is having a convo with someone he/she knows and the topic goes to debt or taxes, one can hope the REALITY of both are discussed, and then that actual reality is further discussed, and on and on, etc etc. and your point is? Because i don't see it.... Given you've had nothing substantive to say in response to my posts, i can only hope that at least some of this has been taken onboard, and publicly you've chosen not to acknowledge it. That's fine, as long as you're perhaps starting to see some reason...
  14. AlexCim: Any measure of taxation as a % of x will see variation, i do not dispute that. But Wardski's claim was absurd, and proven to be so. Even if you look at different measures, you still find, on average, Australia is a low taxing country. It really is as simple as that. As both yourself and Wardski are obviously not fond of Labor goverments, here is a report Treasury put together in 2006. Howard government; as it's quite evident from both of your posts that if i used current Treasury numbers you'll most likely call conspiracy. Or as Wardski puts it, worries what's going on in Canberra... http://comparativeta...ive_Summary.asp A few quotes from this report... We have already established this, but it's a good idea to get a broader picture. And as mentioned previously, as of 2011 stats, we could very well be the SECOND LOWEST ranked amongst the OECD-30. The trend has been down, not up. Even on an 'individual' basis we are "significantly lower" than OECD average. Again, this would only have reduced given tax changes since the report. Some measures we are middle of the road, some slightly higher than average, but as the report states: "...tax as a proportion of GDP remains the best and most widely accepted aggregate measure of the tax burden" - refer to the link to see some of the issues with using this particular measure. The bottom line is that we are not anywhere near approaching a high taxing country. This is well and truly supported by the facts. To claim otherwise is just wrong, misleading or picking very very specific examples. I purposefully picked a Howard era Treasury report, it makes for good reading and the overall tax burden trend since has been down. This is settled, let's move on... Alex, with respects to your "lucky" comments, i'm unsure which government you're referring to? Please clarify. Your "any dipshit government" comments can't relate to the Rudd/Gillard governments without relating to the Howard government. So one can only assume you're referring to both? Glenn Stevens - The Lucky Country speech: http://www.rba.gov.a...gov-240712.html neatly addresses the 'luck' aspect of Australia's performance. Yes we have been geographically (and geologically) lucky, but having a floating exchange rate is not luck, having an independent reserve bank is not luck, having significant fiscal stimulus to use is not entirely luck, actually using that fiscal stimulus is not luck, having a strong banking system isn't luck, having an effective banking regulator isn't luck. This is years of hard work, sometimes good policy, good reforms and some good decisions during the GFC crisis. As to unemployment starting to rise "largely" due to labor, what specifically are you referring? Labour market thankfully has stayed quite resilient, and last time I checked we have had 5 years of a federal labor government. From your posts, you don't seem to understand the statistics out there. Are Australian's still the "highest taxed people in the world"? Are we in debt "up to our eyeballs"? With respects to your 'real world' comment, so essentially you're saying that what you experience in your job/industry is meant to be exactly reflective of the entire country? And if what you see in your tiny snap-shot of the entire labour market isn't matching with the national employment figures, someone is cooking the books in Canberra? Is that basically what you're going for? Employment numbers are the employment numbers, produced by the same people using the same methodologies regardless of who's in government. It's as simple as that. Wardski, i think what you're going for is cognitive dissonance. Ok, now you're venturing into ridiculous land. Am i suddenly not "working in the real world"? Is that what you're trying to say? Only conservatives work "in the real world"... please. I work for a big 4 bank, i know exactly what's going on. But i'm not stupid enough to paint a brush over the ENTIRE COUNTRY just based on my INDIVIDUAL experiences at the bank. Yes Wardski, soon the boat people will take our jobs, the ones who aren't going to have a right to work......
  15. i too rigged up something with Joe's bracket and two metal arms extending the extinguisher out further passed the lever. But it's not ideal and sits quite far into the foot-well. Super easy access, but i'd rather not have it like it is.
  16. don't conflate the two Wardski. The success of Australia doesn't belong to any single person/government or political party. We have just had 21 years of consecutive economic growth... 21 years! That is fairly ridiculous, especially considering how savage the GFC has been on a lot of countries, especially the developed ones. My post has nothing to do with thumbs up or down for the current Government, it's merely to show people like yourselves (and what seems to be a good chunk of the Oz public) that if you run around like the sky is falling in 1) you'll be shown to be factually incorrect and 2) it helps no one and just serves to depress confidence further. To me, the idea of left/right, labor vs liberal/colation etc etc is a HUGE waste of time. What i especially have no time for is otherwise intelligent people who should know better talking things down just because they don't like who's in charge. In the end, you made statements that were factually way off the mark, i pointed them out with evidence to back my claims. As you don't seem to be challenging what i have presented, one can only hope you may not actually think we are "up to our eyeballs in debt" or "the highest taxed people in the world". That's really all it comes down to. We would all be much better off if we ditched the old political paradigm and judged policy and outcomes on there merits. I would encourage you to do the same, regardless of how much you might not like the party in power.
  17. hahahahah we are the Mexicans
  18. jeepers creepers, where to start! my oh my we have entered a fact free zone. Oh and i saw your original post, interesting edits.... you originally made the inference that my post suggested current gov was responsible for the suite of numbers i listed above. Read my post, i didn't apportion responsibility any which way, it was a rebuttal to your spurious claim that Gillard gov is "keeping its promises by screwing the country", if that were the case the country would be.... screwed, in your opinion. I then stated the FACTS, and if you believe the current economic conditions are analogous with a "screwed country" i don't think we are living on the same planet. And no objective, level headed person could share your assertion. 1. "we are the highest taxed people in the world" Nope, Denmark and Sweden routinely, and continue to take that title. Your claim is just plain and utterly wrong. A few points. There's no point comparing ourselves to Libya or other such countries with crazy tax burdens (or lack there-of), it only really makes sense to compare to similar countries. The closest you'll get is the OECD. Of which, as of 2010 we are the 5th lowest taxing country as of percentage of GDP in the ENTIRE OECD Source of that graph is OECD and ABS, 2009 put us at 6th lowest. OECD data for 2010,, http://www.oecd-ilib...table-2012-1-en Puts us at 5th lowest in the OECD. But wait, there's more... Treasury numbers for 2010-11 (not in the most recent OECD stats, but where they get the numbers from) note: "he tax to GDP ratio fell 4.2 percentage points to 20.1 per cent in 2010-11" 20.1 %! And you think we are the "highest taxed people in the world"??? - That level of tax take would almost put us at the VERY BOTTOM of the tax pile amongst OECD nations. That is just insane! This makes your assertion of our level of taxation untenable. Moving on... DEBT Again, facts aren't going to be too kind to you here either... http://www.oecd-ilib...v-debt-table-en Australia's ranking for 2012? Government debt as a percentage of GDP: 29.3% ranking us SECOND. Beaten only be Estonia and we even nudge out tax haven Luxembourg for 2nd spot. Maybe you're thinking everyone is there or there-abouts, so being SECOND LOWEST doesn't mean much as the spread is narrow... not quite. Average Government debt to GDP ratio for OECD nations? a whopping 108.7% So your second assertion that the "country is in debt up to its eyeballs" is also false. Debt to GDP ration of 28% is negligible, and of no particular concern. And if you're truly worried about a coming economic apocalypse (and it's fairly obvious you would advocate for a budget surplus position from your comments) explain how rushing to surplus is going to help if there is such nastiness coming our way? You can't simultaneously hold both positions. But if you still think 28% is "up to your eyeballs", some guy called Glenn Stevens has had a few words to say on this over the last few years, July 2010, Anika Foundation speech (in response to audience question) And in a speech this year, there's some more interesting comments from the RBA Gov, also alluding to this 'glass half empty' view that's taken hold... (wonder how that could have happened...) Yep, doing amazingly fine given the current conditions around the world. As for the mining boom? Did i refer to that? I don't think so. I was simply referring to the huge amount of capital works that is still to come. Do you think the rural millions in China/India are going to stop moving to the cities? Do you think Vietnam/Indonesia etc are going to stop developing? Just because commodity prices aren't stratospherically high does that mean the resource industry won't be profitable? The insane part of the party is over yes, but the party itself isn't. Even though it's not at all taking into account the full costs of extracting all those resources... no point referring to all the other "fluff" in your post when we're discussing such weighty topics. I have plenty more re: how well Australia is doing but this post is already long enough. I will revisit the RBA interest rates point you raised.
  19. prob not, my bride seats/rails have the lever at the front and that's the problem when using Joe's bracket.
  20. yes, i remember them making the promise of 'screwing the country' growth with a 3, unemployment low 5's, 3% cash rate, amongst lowest ranked tax to gdp and net debt stats amongst OECD nations, billions more left of investment to come in the resource industry etc etc.... yep, really screwing the country.
  21. afm, probably (i maxed out around 250rwkw mark on my GT-T) walbro might do you (i had drop-in walbro handle 280-290rwkw on my GT-T) - if not, get the new walbro one that is more suited to E85, has a '400' in model name i think. injectors are overkill, and get the bosch style ones. If you're not planning on up'ing your turbo, some 725cc sized ones will be fine (injectors online for injectors, local place for us) Fuel filter thing? haven't heard of that and i haven't run one in either my cars on E85 fuel lines??? wtf? that really sounds like someone who doesn't know what they're talking about.... they're fine.
  22. just filled up with United, i'll try and give Caltex a call this week to confirm rumour, and if yes, i'll run some Caltex to confirm what they say
  23. interesting list... who gave you that? what car do you have? GTR or rb25? 1200 is overkill i would think, but not sure of your setup
  24. i'm running Bride Cuga's and my lovely bracket won't fit anymore due to the lever at the front of the seat controller front/back movement. Not sure if this will be an issue for any Bride rail setup
  25. as far as i know, this will predominantly be a training venue with additional training 'facilities' in addition to the skid pan. motorsport will probably be a small part of the revenue i would think, and insurance for that would be similar setup to DECA i would think, cams/aasa - don't know how it works for the other 'training' side of things...
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