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Everything posted by SS8_Gohan

  1. man, what are you eventually trying to sell now op... paint polish, and a MACHINE, - 18months ago the headlights were polished, still fine. Headlights are usually waxed as well Depending how bad, you may need to wetsand. But i would imagine some paint polish, and a machine will rectify most out there. A lasting solution. Not one of those ones designed for 2-3months and you have to re-do
  2. guys, this guy is just trying to his push his pos product a few things to point out 1) you're not adding a clear coat! you are adding a sealant that "supposedly" lasts for 2 years - news flash, NONE OF THEM DO! 2) if you have a pos, faded, red car, your magic snake oil 'climat' ain't going to do squat! You know why? because it's not POLISHED or had a WAX applied! You would need a machine, a polishing pad, some polishes - you would carry out the paint correction and THEN apply a wax to protect the paint. In general terms... sealants > wax at protection (water etchings, bird droppings, longevity, etc) wax > sealants for "looks" Want the best of both worlds? apply a sealant TOPPED with a wax. Simple. As i said in the other post (that the OP is so conveniently avoiding) the max time you'll get from a sealant is ~6months. That is with very thorough prep work, good application process and very good washing procedure. Maybe stretch it out another month or so with good washing technique. That is it ladies and gentlemen. Anything more can be thrown into the "miracle cure" basket, it's all marketing BS Put it this way, would any of you obviously be gullible enough to pay the $1k for paint protection on a new car? This shit is NO DIFFERENT. It costs say $80-$100 to the stealer, charge you $1k and tell you you don't have to touch the car for 2 years. BULLSHIT! Nothing lasts that long and especially not the shit you get for a new car. Paint protection is the biggest rip-off new car option to tick. Finally, this is what using both POLISHES and WAXES achieve that no snake oil product anywhere will ever be able to get close too... From this... To this Hours of work (and considerable skill), the best products, and you get, the best finish. You DO NOT get a mirror finish without a lot of effort, and good products. I hope this post is somewhat educational and perhaps now this spammer will disappear from these forums
  3. not a very subtle agenda you got going here mate, might want to take your spam elsewhere
  4. stay away from waxes and polishes?? that's a fairly idiotic statement. One corrects paint defects, and the other protects the paint itself, yep... definitely something to stay away from.... If you have paint imperfections (which EVERYONE does, no matter how pedantic their washing procedure) how are you going to correct them if you "stay away from polishes"?? or do you just not care... if that's the case, then fair enough. But for everyone else who wants their paint looking good, we'll stick with our polishes thanks nothing lasts for more than say 6months. Proper prep and proper application (and perhaps an extra layer or two) will see a good sealant last ~6months, maybe stretched a bit with very good washing technique and water control. Car stealerships would love someone like you... walk-in, get a new car and be sold the "paint protection kit" that costs $1k and owes them about $100, and you walk away thinking "i don't have to touch my cars paint for 2 years, how awesome is that!" if it's too good to be true..............
  5. what site is this? is it auctions or more like carsales.com.au?
  6. been looking at that one as well - been on car sales and SAU for quite a few months, different threads, etc. it's got -5's yeah?
  7. summer tune?? can you look up your exhaust and see if there's any rust?? inside of my exhaust has a hue of orange to it
  8. i agree with 5k intervals... silly, especially if you're running a very good oil. Also km's is a silly measuring stick, because a lot of us don't drive our cars often. Go on time OR km's. I go on time because i would maybe do 5-6K km's in a year. I don't want the oil sitting in the car for a year, so i do every 6 months. Or after every track day. No one is saying an engine is going to stop working just because it has a Group III oil in it. We're just saying for not much more $$, you can use a high quality oil that is going to have a much greater chance of giving your engine an easier life, and perhaps preventing any major drama's that will end up costing $$$. Turbo cars do put more of an emphasis on choosing a quality oil and i think that's why you see a lot of us giving some decent thought to what we decide to run. And since there has been such an advancement in oils since the Dino days, then i'm happy to make use of that extra tech and give greater protection to my engine. There is a reason why they have big sales on oils like 5w50, etc... there is very little demand for that sort of range, and understandably so. You want to keep the numbers as close together as you possibly can (sans racing oils)- can't sell the stuff, so they sell it off cheap. Some of the 'large' range oils in the past have turned out to not be full synthetic, despite being part of a 'synthetic' line-up. Regardless of what weight/viscosity you want... keeping the numbers as close as possible is still a rule that can followed regardless of what brand, etc.
  9. think a stock curve, then just move the whole thing out and away (and then some) more power EVERYWHERE
  10. 412kw, run in tune... look for perhaps a ~450kw final result...... utterly mental
  11. indeed a great location - shame more people couldn't have got there for the official time slot, i would imagine there were a lot that turned up but couldn't park thanks Ash and team for the organising. Great location, and next year sounds tops. hopefully the council can be a bit more lenient on entry/exit times great to catch up with some people, and meet some new ones
  12. your weapon of choice re: wax Birds?
  13. sent ya a PM Unco, Pat
  14. if you're desperate, like i said, let me know if you want to exercise the 'last resort' option - i do have some wiggle room but to get to glen waverley on time, i'll need to leave soon. To those going, where exactly is the place in glen you're all meeting up at??
  15. dude, how you going with all this???
  16. Pat, i think i'm going to have to bail... family dinner mucho apologies perhaps put me down as last resort
  17. oooo, another 34 GTR, might be able to get all gtr's Pat and of course no drinking in the cars yeah?
  18. hey charles is that the new vinyl cf wrap? looks like it actually has a weave and some depth...
  19. pm sent do we know if this place has a steep driveway or not?
  20. do we know what the 'fake Chef' gtr would be landed+compiled?
  21. hmmm... looks like it's going to be cloudy with a chance of meatballs time to get the wax on
  22. why didn't you go link and Status?
  23. i live very close to brighton -only a GTT though.... and friendly driveway entrance to the formal would be nice
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