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Everything posted by SS8_Gohan

  1. can't be a stock 33 rear housing can it?? yours doesn't just hold boost it actually increases slightly to redline??? - and that's at like 16-17psi?? surely a 33 rear housing can't handle that?
  2. kristian and ze baron, muchos gracias... was thinking outside the box a bit but it seems it's was a little too outside the box gtr.co.uk still has some killer 34 R's though back to Japan hunting then, thanks guys!!
  3. hmmmm... there are some pretty OCD owners on gtr.co.uk, i guess you could get lucky the jap documents. so basically, even if i was after a modified R34 GTR, i'd still be best going from Japan?? sent ya an email as well Kristian might start a R34 GTR thread...
  4. Hey guys, just wondering if anyone has any experience of importing a car from the UK? Is it a lot more expensive than importing from Japan?? ie, shipping or movement/taxes of car in the Uk more expensive? Any importers with regular UK dealings? cheers, daniel
  5. i think the theory is that if the trips are long enough, then yes, you'll be ok as the water gets evaporated - but still need to change oil more regularly
  6. i'm actually feeling sad watching those pics i too have been contemplating putting my T up... but just don't know if i have the stomach for it although, i think i would feel better if it stayed on the forum or went to someone who was a real enthusiast. Are they an SAU'er Pete? seem like an enthusiast?
  7. thanks i get all my oil from www.performancelub.com and currently running Royal Purple 5w30, may stick with it if it's more ethanol friendly
  8. oh... so i shouldn't really be running E85 full time on my 34? it's my daily, but only say 3 times a week. and i take it i need to change oil more regularly as well then?
  9. my car only made about 190rwkw with stock turbo at around 12psi i think. Then 252 or 255rwkw at about 17.5psi with the high flow. Status dyno is VERY accurate - i think stock run vs base line run at Status, i pulled a little more on the RE dyno a few months before taking the car to Trent.
  10. now with 4GBram! but still same price! T9300 @ 2.5GHz and 4GBram for $850, this is a bargain guys! will go to ebay soon
  11. SS8_Gohan

    New Spray Job

    ^ +1 and was it just the front bar or was it the whole car?
  12. a quick check of Nissan FAST would relieve all anyway i would think
  13. link link link! please
  14. yeah definitely seems to be getting around a bit more
  15. on my occasional retail shop down Chapelle i still see A LOT of hero's... WRX's seem to feature heavily, or maybe it's just the distinctive boxer rumble... either way, over the years, it's always seems to have plentiful supple of retards
  16. a PROPER hybrid, none of this Toyota "i'm supposedly good the environment" Prius rubbish. Hurry up and release a practical example of this, with all the running gear. wonder how hard it would be to make one of these from an existing car... diesel/electric that is...
  17. wow, dedicated customers to send their pride and joys INTERNATIONAL to get tuned... crazy.... that's some fierce reputation you guys must have.
  18. that why they put the concrete barriers in? i was there about 3-4months i think. They only car spot i knew that would be available, was bout midnight. And the place was half full of imports and other various done-up cars, some people just cruising around the car park, lots of people just hanging around... i was thinking jeebus, it's a coles car park guys, get a life. Just parked as far away as possible, but would have only left the car for say 20mins (dropping friends off) at least pick a carpark that does have 11ty million concrete barriers
  19. have a good day boys!
  20. the one for the R33 was 296 - 324mm - some SAU members are running this (with good supporting hardware) and have advised of very good braking capabilities the 296 - 343?mm kit the UAS has, they didn't advise that for use in track/motorsport applications. They said it might have some vibration issues So would a 310-355mm perhaps be stretching the laws of physics a bit?? I am running 18's (R34 GTR rims) so i think clearance should be ok. QFM A1RM pads and the Motul RBF600 fluid. Last piece is some Nismo braided lines, either from Nengun or seeing if Autobarn can do a good deal. I also have brake cylinder stopper. The CCX pads are ultra $$ aren't they?
  21. shazam!! $100 off, Price $850 you get A LOT of laptop for the money, they're some beefy specs
  22. it means your car actually has an RB25 in it, sorry to break it to you. When you sign up, SAU knows what car you have and cross-checks it in the official NISSAN HQ database, and you actually have a RB25... all good though, nothing wrong with the old RB25
  23. ah, so there is some other protocol... interesting... if there was a unit that was ALWAYS track-able that would be very cool
  24. i seriously considered the group buy one but when i asked Shannons about it, they just said 'that's nice'.... no difference to premium. Surely if the car has a much greater chance of being recovered, and saving them from forking out X amount of dollars, that's worth a little bit off the premium i still think it's a good thing to have, the one here was only $220 i think, something like that. there must be some method of having a constant signal to the car.....
  25. because we both have hypergears
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