had someone ask me at the traffic lights if it was for sale - had someone leave a note on my car with a mobile asking if it was for sale...
just don't know if i could, like KR4-GTR i have a rare Skyline, well rare in terms of modifications (believe to be the only genuine East Bear kitted GT-T in country) so to me that makes it a bit special, but to someone who doesn't know about it, it's going to mean squat...
soooo, sooo tempted by a R34 GTR but like others, when you have poured $$ and time/effort into your car, it's hard to move on, even if it's an upgrade. Although, with my car at 290rwkw, i'd have to play with the GTR a bit to at least start at the same point
PSI_GTSII, what a stunning car mate!!! Got anymore pics of the interior??