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Everything posted by SS8_Gohan

  1. ok, i apologise, i got a littler carried away because of this growing trend against SK without even giving one ounce of thought to what he gave to the forum. people are taking little snipes here and there and it gets annoying. You say that it's possible to get SK prices cheaper, and my point is well of course it is! It is 4 years later we're talking about! From the outset, SK did all the testing himself, got the Bilsteins sorted to suit the off the shelf whiteline springs. Found what worked with the adj swaybars, found what you'd need in terms of geometry. You got ALL of that, and AT THE TIME, at no extra cost to what anyone else could get, trade or otherwise, which if you think about is a lot cheaper because most places would not have charged for just 'parts alone' they would have added an 'R+D' component ontop. So you got a custom package to suit a range of Nissan's without a massive price tag whacked on top. And in pointing out the performance of the SK GB was not missing the point, it was staying on point because in addition to what's been said the inference is that the SK kits weren't that special. That's why i mentioned they are great STREET kits which could handle some light track work, they were not meant to be the other way around and i think people forget this. You make a fair point re SK's reputation and i don't know what happened at the end there, i like many others, never had any problems and i like many others received a lot good free advice. So yes, it's a shame somethings have gone awry at the end of his time here. As for Centreline? they are mentioned in SK's list on installation places and for a company that supports SAU Vic, for a company i had 20% discount vouchers for, how i could end up with an install price almost TWICE another sus place on SK's list, is a little strange... I get annoyed when a company goes out of the way to support a club and thinks they can charge whatever they want because they have a captive audience. I thought it was relevant because there are melbourne ppl interested in here (ie OP) and it's on the list of SK's sus install places. Granted this was a few years ago now, and as we're already seen a lot has indeed changed. Who would have touched anything Pedders back in '05 '06? Now i noticed quite a few more people run their stuff, i guess a lot has changed. i know i've gone off topic, but i just wanted to respond to some things in the thread. Sorry for taking it off the OP's question.
  2. jeebus, when were the SK group buys put together? go have a look... 2005, do you think possibly some shit got cheaper since then? like roy said, things change and it's been 4 YEARS! when i got my SK stuff waaaay back in 2006, i did price everything via Bursons, via a store manager at Midas, and other people with "connections", NOTHING was cheaper back then - i could not check the bilsteins as i didn't have part numbers, but at that stage i believe you couldn't buy the SK bilsteins off the shelf, but was also under the impression this did change over time. have a look at the date now, March 2009... 4 years on!! lets keep some perspective people and don't drag a guys name down for no logical reason who gave an absolute shiteload to this forum..... for FREE anyone got anything against the geometry settings he gave on the GB's? i don't, and neither did one of the best suspension places in melb either... Traction Tyres... - they were great STREET kits that could handle some track work, that's how they were always meant to be. I think people forget that sometimes (although i think he did have some more track orientated kits) Trent @ Status tuning was driving my car the other day, and he straight away commented on how nicely the car rode and handled. p.s. Centreline is a rip off and sick of the SK sniping EDIT: just noticed SK's post count is 11,111 - highly doubt that was a coincidence... not really relevant, just thought it was interesting...
  3. possibly a stupid question... but can you oversize the rotors and order GTR's one for a GTT?? or do you need bigger calipers to match? the rear discs on my car (standard) just look pretty damn small...
  4. hahahahahaha, 1600cc injectors and 30psi...... insane.....
  5. to all the people who have PM'd, i'll get back to everyone asap, sorry for the delay
  6. yes, but you still run into the problem of tuning. Yeah, you can just run a new turbo with a boost controller but you don't really see the value out of any of these extra mods unless you get it tuned. I still say ECU Remap @ Status Tuning, this way whatever mods you do in the future, you can get the most potential out of them.
  7. yep, $440 oil change for my dad's 335i coupe... fark off - and then 25K km is the first service??? on a brand new twin turbo engine they want him to come in at 25K km? i already had to top the damn thing up with over a litre of Royal Purple to get it to the first service. Plus the "long-life" castrol oil is shite as well, apparently will be changed soon. So yeah, good luck to the R35 owners, you all seem like switched on people anyway. Plus, i'm sure taking it to a place like Race Pace will be able to look after anything you need done.
  8. in fairness, NONE of the previous V-Specs were "100% improvements over the base GTR" - no extra power (officially) no crazy exterior styling, etc, etc... granted, previous V-Specs weren't twice the price either....
  9. ^ hear, hear... (to Jeff's first post) if this is not all urban myth, don't let the stealerships take you for a ride like that. It's good to see most won't let it happen, and i don't see why it should be any different with ANY new car. All the family BMW's go to Southern BM over any stealership they might have come from. The stealerships do shit work, charge like nothing else and actually miss a fair whack of stuff that should be fixed. Oh, and for all new owners PLEASE don't get any "5 year paint protection" crap. It's like a $1k option or something ridiculous, it does nothing but let the in house "detailer" f*ck up your paint and claim it's protected. NOTHING lasts 5 years in terms of protection, it's all marketing crap with kits they get for practically nothing but charge unbelievable amounts to "protect" your paint. AVOID AT ALL COSTS! For Melbourne owners, just take it to Final Inspection to rectify all the marks the car is delivered with and Damian can put a sealant on that will last about 6 months (with proper maintenance). Jeff got his ride all spruced up
  10. anyone else think it looked strange when you see an arm come out of the left window? i know they're RHD, but it just looked like "shit, that dude's got long ass arms!"
  11. looking at similar things myself... how much do poncams go for? they're more expensive than adj cam gears yeah? decisions, decisions...
  12. ...and how the hell do you back into someone in a carpark the size of Sandown's????
  13. bump, and turbo has the OP6 embossed on the rear housing, the sort after highflow rear housing
  14. hahah, finally get to choose your repairer car will almost have new paint all over
  15. well this car marks a moment in history that some could see as poignant, ergo 'historic'
  16. ^ dude, what happened??? did you JUST get it all fixed/sprayed etc?
  17. i hope this is a valid question is it a Series II GTR?
  18. ^ what clutch ya getting, and $??
  19. what injectors? and what did the turbo make?
  20. well, there you go... a piece of history from 1912, i was not aware of this. But where is this influence now? i apologise and withdraw my comments (if i could edit) to the OP, how many k's has your 33 done? $900 prob won't cover it, but will go quite close to doing a 100,000km service
  21. twas a joke heard something about rally car or time attacks cars running these crazy cooling systems for their brakes, and thought about liquid nitrogen cooled brakes
  22. spill the beans, i know you're working on some new braking setup i'd also try like lighting and sound places, or like stage effects people? they sometimes use dry ice to for shows, etc...
  23. nice work idiot... you really are quite simply aren't you... http://www.alp.org.au/ - Australian Labor Party owned. now back on topic, to the OP, i still say REMAP, not FC. I too will be spending this money on the car. Was going to spend on interior, but pretty much scrapping that idea. I have most the suspension sorted, adj sway bars, shocks, springs, camber kits. Power stuff... -full 3" exhaust -high flow turbo -fuel pump -injectors -blitz spec r ebc -remap -rev210 intake mod -FMIC -splitfires (not really power) i think that's about it. Got good tyres, 18" forged rims (GTR), good brake pads, brake stopper thingy... i'm going to tip in $100, so i can spend $1k. don't know where to go now though? Any thoughts?
  24. hey mate, nice to meet ya Andrew wasn't it? or have i got that completely wrong? sorry, i am shocking with names. Lots of people say that, but i really am stupidly bad with names. i'll send ya a pm bout the OP6, keeping my options open at the moment.
  25. the OP is in melbourne, getting a PowerFC over a Remap is silly and a waste of money, i don't care there are more tuners for FC, there's enough around to sort out the remaps.
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