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Everything posted by SS8_Gohan

  1. dude, your car is STUNNING!!! everything flows absolutely perfectly. A perfect example of good looking chrome rims, and the colour of the car and rims match the champagne of the callipers nicely. why 19 rear and 18 front? or is that a typo? I'll have to ask Trent about it tomorrow when i get my car tuned
  2. hahahah i was at the coles car park behind chapel st a few fri nights ago, wanting to park off chapel to escape the dero's, and dear jeebus, it was mini FnF set.... soooo sad
  3. Hi guys Now have a hi-flow so don't need the stock turbo anymore. Done about 80,000km's... Boost at 10-11psi for the last 15-20K km's. Always tried to look after it as best as possible, ie, waiting for oil to get to the right temp, letting the car cool down after driving, etc. Royal Purple synthetic oil used, change about every 7.5K km Turbo change was done at Status Tuning, Trent said the turbo was absolutely fine. I don't know much about turbo's or what to look for, so i made sure to ask him what he thought of it when it came off the car. Price: $450 Great upgrade for R32, and even R33. Or Hi-flow if you want. Location: Melbourne Pics cheers, daniel
  4. you sir are an absolute fool. The thread title reads... Nismo STYLE struts... because that's what they f*cking are retard! The guy has kindly offered to make some up for people who obviously like them a lot, and at least give people a chance of getting products similar to something that has been discontinued. f*ck off out of this thread and take your ALTIA kitted 34 somewhere else, cos the kit you sport sure ain't Nismo
  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7dL7v3A2uKk how do you embed youtube vids LMAO of a funky!
  6. SS8_Gohan

    Hey Everyone

  7. SS8_Gohan

    Back Pain

    hahaha, "forged internals" that sh*t is hardcore...
  8. SS8_Gohan

    Back Pain

    you actually write "you's"?
  9. Trent @ Status Tuning /end thread
  10. you get a R32 East bear item? i've called both C-Red and Powerplay before re: East Bear stuff... years ago, their prices didn't differ, i guess things have changed. didn't matter anyway, didn't go through either to get my EB kit and had the extreme fortune of buying @ 106 yen
  11. SS8_Gohan

    Back Pain

    has anyone who has been advised to "strengthen" their back, actually done any proper lifting? a friend of mine has a "bulging" disc... not sure if that's the same as what's been mentioned already... going to get her to try and strengthen it properly anyways, if you've been told to "strengthen" your back then i suggest just doing it properly and cease the donations to your physio. Markos @ PTC Frankston – 0404 453 542 [email protected] for the ns.com people, i'm sure they know him - m&m username. Use to post a bit on SAU as well.
  12. had a Stage 5 done on SOME parts of my car (read, wetsanding and Royale) and there's still more Stage's after that if you're really keen Mr Dent (Vincent) - 0418 538 117 i'm 99% sure Damian would be telling you to see him
  13. ^ police or epa notices?
  14. how hacked does this look? you can see the H1 base plate in there, i was just under the impression i'd take it out and the D2R bulbs would sit nicely? how are these base plates usually put in? glued? or will it just pop out? Will i have to oven the headlight to open it up?
  15. if you want to have the right to choose death and multiple illnesses/cancers, then go ahead, be my guest. It's not JUST a "bad habit" it's something that kills you. Chewing your nails or picking your nose is a "bad habit" It's nothing like modifiying a car, 1) it's not always illegal to modify 2) smoking isn't illegal 3) modifying a car isn't guaranteed to kill you or effect your health. it isn't the same as littering on the streets, no where NEAR the same. Adz is right, a fully enclosed area with a dedicated cleaning team that works after every event is totally different to littering on the streets. Besides the CBD, how many of the street sweepers do you see getting around??.... exactly. Whilst you should just try and get into a good habit, leaving a box of pop corn at a cinema is NOT going to have the impact of throwing some shit down a drain/gutter. You walk around the city and tell me the majority of smokers DON'T stamp their butts out on the ground? I just honestly don't get it. I honestly believe that these people would not go to macca's, walk out, unwrap the burger, throw it on the ground and move on. So why the f*ck is it any different for a cigarette butt???? I too report cigarette butt throwers to the EPA, f*cking morons
  16. oh right o, they're not side skirts, they're just the lower lip extensions. East Bear you get the sides skirts AND the lower extensions, if you want. carmate doesn't seem to have any EB copies, couldn't find on ebay either... didn't think there were any EB copies going around??
  17. SS8_Gohan

    Hey Everyone

    hahahaha man, i'd prob have 6 pages of questions, 5 and a half of which would be offers to jam then another few pages saying how much awesomeness he possessed...
  18. 1) isn't East Bear the only one to make a GTR front bumper that fits GTT guards? 2) I didn't think JSAI ever completed that kit for the GTT? full East Bear GTS-R kit is around $6.5K according to import monsters calculator with a 260K yen price tag, bout $8K with bonnet
  19. yeah, if my front bumper,lower lip was not plastic, it would be in a zillion pieces by now. I have cracked my lower lip but i must say, it's hard up remarkably well considering the battering it's got. And really, the only reason i cracked the lower lip was because i drove down to the Great Ocean Road after a MAAASIVE storm and there were very sizable branches all over the road, and no matter how much i drove on the wrong side i couldn't avoid them all, so my front lip ate tree branches for a few days. But it didn't shatter, just got a small crack in the middle. Then the witches hats i ate a few times during a Motorkhana did some more damage but it's very clean cracks, no shattering and i would imagine not a huge task to plastic well and fix again. just priced up the full GTS-R kit from East Bear - around 260K Yen, which according to import monster is around $6.5K delivered or a touch over $8K with bonnet .... i wonder if that makes my car more expensive....
  20. i'm pretty confident in saying they would have sprayed it again at no charge. If you asked Vu, you would have found him very accommodating. But i can see your point that if you were disappointed once, you don't want to go back. But also bear in mind fibreglass doesn't always play ball, no matter who works on it
  21. there is another thread a few down with a HH day in May i think? had a quick look at the photo's, video... do you need killer brakes for this track? - place looks amazing though, looks soooo smooth
  22. +1 Trent @ Status Tuning - 63 Rodeo Drive, Sth dandenong - i think, best to double check. And pics of the hachi-roku
  23. i thought all you have to do it take the H1 base plate out that they put in there, and you're good to go back to D2R? (provided you have ballasts, etc...)
  24. hmmm... wonder what my kit is worth these days... yeah, the lip is something you really have to be wary of. i think i have around 7cm's clearance, maybe 8. It cops a fair beating, but sometimes you just have to plan ahead. Like i know of a few car parks in the city i can get into, some i can't (can't get into melb central), etc... if i drove in peak hour, or drove a lot in areas i don't know, i might take it off and put it on for track days, etc... looks good but EDIT: hmm, nengun doesn't have the full GTS-R kit and my work computer doesn't have japanese so finding it hard to navigate the east bear site
  25. very sad indeed good luck all. i was one of the first few through on the R34 Suspension group buy. Great piece of kit and love the way the car handles. I haven't even finished it off yet (got shocks/springs/swaybars/camber kits), but the original post is still up there so i can still use all the suspension telemetry and other caster kits etc, and just buy direct. good luck guys, it's a shame it's come to this
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