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Everything posted by SS8_Gohan

  1. dusting off the old SAU account!
  2. fair enough. Matt's got all the good gear now anyway, so i know you had good products being used on your car. i guess my question was, if you're going GTR, you gotta think about bonnets, front/rear guards etc, as skirts and front bumper won't just bolt/stick on with playing around in some other areas.
  3. any specific reason for it to be different?
  4. nice but why of why did you not get Final Inspection to detail your car!!??!?!!??!? what's your plan of attack with the GTR front bar and skirts?
  5. behave, and try and keep it this time
  6. everyone has their bad days, i dunno. That was just my experience, it wasn't a nice one, it was a fairly sh*thouse one thinking this place was meant to be the bee's knee's... oh, and to top it all off, Race Brakes had a deal going with SAU Vic, so here i am, paid member of the club of which Race Brakes has kindly offered to give discounts, and basically treated like a tyre kicker. I'm not expecting VIP treatment, but seriously, should at least look after club members if you've bothered to be a supporter anyway
  7. -50 for Race Brakes Can't be assed and didn't really seem to give 2 sh*ts about my car. Chipped my rim to when putting the centre caps back on. Didn't even attempt to diagnose my brake issues and the guru's answer to was to put these 11ty billion $ Endless brake pads on ($400 or $600 a pair of pads, something ridiculous). Stay away
  8. not a z tune front bar
  9. i'm pretty sure the genuine nismo ones are expensive because there is a REAL layer of CF over the top, not a sticker. and granthem, isn't firesport just a place like the trading post? wogjnr, got any details? r34_wong, details? i could probably let him use mine
  10. Government has seeked permission to borrow "up to" $200 Billion. Treasury has confirmed that all this has been pretty much accounted for, that will most likely be the debt outcome. And i guess with the passing of the bill, the $200 billion has been approved. you watch question time!? man, i thought i was the only one to watch that! hahahah The grillings handed out in the Senate committee's are great to watch as well Channel 607 on foxtel, if you didn't know already
  11. there's fibreglass, and then there's fibreglass - you can't always guarantee the outcome even if done to what you asked. you'll also find, unlike some places, they're happy to fix any issues that come up and you can bring it straight back. DT Panels is good work and cheap prices. That's how i see it. Solid work, but if you want to go higher, then you gotta pay. Mi-Colour does great work but would be way more than DT. did you take your front bar back to DT?
  12. K, i know you know what's going on I provided statements by Peter Anderson, Chief Executive of the ACCI, but i guess it didn't fit with the "indisputable facts" KV2R34GT, mate, don't muddy the waters here. 1) i'm not aligned to anything, i'm not a member of anything 2) you started your post with an assertion the Coalition presided over the "f*ck up of the economy" and did nothing about the upcoming financial crises. If you're so bi-partisan, tell me what the opposition did in this period to warn us? Tell me what Kevin did in his election campaign to warn us? Tell me what Kevin did before the first package to stimulate the economy? Last time i checked, he was trying his hardest NOT to stimulate the economy for fear of fueling inflation. Swan in all his party rhetoric was "fighting the war on inflation", not heralding the coming GFC. So in the interest of "bi-partisanship", i would have thought you would have versed the forum on the actions of the opposition at the time. 3) I'm for the stimulus, not the MAKE-UP of the stimulus! If you read my post, instead of reading what you wanted to read (as evidence by your assertion i'm against the package) you'd see i wrote the $42billion coming is not a complete waste, but the cash handouts are. I don't say anywhere it's a "huge cost", you're just inferring party criticisms based on your political persuasion. We need a fiscal stimulus, just as much as we need monetary stimulus. We're getting both. It's just the fiscal stimulus could be better spent. 4) Sure the government should do something, but i was only pointing out to their election platform as a rebuttal to your argument that the Coalition did nothing and didn't warn us. The Opposition was in the exact same boat mate. So the only reason i brought this up, was to point that fact out. The government is correct in providing a stimulus package, i've never refuted that, don't twist my words. 5) The credit default swaps, and the like are indeed complex financial instruments. I believe they were initially created with good intentions but they have gone to sh*t, not just of their own doing but also because of policy decisions in the U.S and to some extent the loosening of monetary policy but the Fed. These packaged "debts" whilst are complete junk now, were not even that well understood by the finance industry and because the sophistication of which was beyond the types of products we have seen before, there was no chance the existing regulatory framework at the time would have been to keep tabs. They are junk, yes, but FAR from simple junk. The mis-understanding of which was part of the problem. We were too sophisticated for our own good. 6) Bi-partisanship seems to be going well with you doesn't it? You start by bashing the previous government. Praise Keating in the middle, and end by bashing Costello. Talk about contradictory 7) - Classic deflection. I merely debating you on the points YOU raised!! Now you feel you have to deflect be bring back the reforms of the keating gov, or talking down costello's time as treasurer. That's NOT what we're talking about! When the hell were we talking about interest rates! Don't go off on some tangent because i put a valid argument across. 8) ATM fees, you talked about NEW fees, and i said the REFORMS with respect to the new fees, were introduced by the RBA. That is 100% correct, and in your OWN context, NEW FEES! You're twisting my words again. If you don't like these NEW fees, then perhaps speak to the RBA. It might not be working as they intended... 9) Yes, lending is a problem, but you would also know that perfectly GOOD business are struggling to obtain funds. Whilst some of this could come from private sources, the issue of liquidity is one LARGELY left up to the central banks of these countries/unions. The Fed, ECB, RBA, etc... have dumped money in to increase liquidity, to try and get the banks lending again. I was making the distinction between the financial markets and the REAL economy. The stimulus packaged is targeted at the REAL economy, NOT the financial markets. And that's where my previous point comes in, a perfectly good business can still have difficultly obtaining funds due to the credit supply. So no, one of the primary goals of the stimulus packages is not to try and increase liquidity. 10) Mate, again, i'm responding to what YOU brought up! The Chamber of Commerce and Industry. CCI. I referred you to two statements from state branches of the CCI and then also to the CHIEF EXECUTIVE of the ACCI, Peter Anderson, on their thoughts about tax cuts. Again, responding directly to what you brought up. At at State and National level, they are in favour of tax cuts. You stated they weren't.And lastly you want this to stay apolitical, but the VERY NEXT paragraph, you have a dig at Costello. Hypocrite much? I'm all for debate, and that's what we're doing but i took issue with some of your "indisputable facts" and i thought i refer to the "horses" mouth, so to speak to show the actual facts. If you look at my previous posts, i was actually saying it's all over and done with, the money's coming, lets just try and spend it in the best way possible. I don't agree with the cash handouts, but i agree with a fiscal stimulus. You were the one to make it all partisan.
  13. dude, honestly, that's a load of bollocks and you know it. Do you remember the Labour campaign? Do you remember Kev'07?? It seems YOU have forgotten that. HE never mentioned a coming world recession, HE never mentioned a bursting of the asset buble, HE never mentioned will be needing to stimulate the economy. You know what he did mention? Spending was out of control and needed to be slashed. The inflation "genie" had been let out of the bottle and was going to cripple Australia. We are the fiscal conservatives. Now compare that to what he's done since in office. Already a $10.2 billion dollar package, that by most accounts was largely saved or used to pay off debt. The budget ALREADY in deficit BEFORE the $42 billion was passed. I watched the senate estimates committee proceedings for the first stimulus package, and they couldn't even answer a simple question. "How did you come up with the $10 billion figure?" No one from Treasury could answer that, not even the partisan Dr Ken Henry could answer that. And he had to run off to Swan to check whether or not he could answer a question about correspondence between himself and the reserve bank governor. Not all of the $42 billion coming is a waste (cash handouts are) but the first $10 billion was almost a complete waste and it seemed they looked at the surplus, saw $20 bil, and thought, we'll use half. They could not adequately explain how they even formulated the package. And you know full well Swan would not have a f*cking clue how it was put together. So to blame the previous Government is bordering on lunacy. Sure they weren't perfect, no government is but for something that STARTED in the U.S., for something that was started by creating these complex financial instruments, for something that started in the finance industry, very few people (if any) accurately predicted the full extent of it's impacts. EVERYONE has been startled by the speed of which things have gone bad. Japan's economy has contracted some 13-14%... think about that 13-14%! That is just un-f*cking-believable! But of course it was the Coalitions fault. If you're blaming the previous Gov, you gotta blame Kev as well because he sure as hell did not say anything about it either. No one can argue this point because if he DID know it was coming, then the razor gang wouldn't have come out and sliced the budget up a bit (but in actual fact, the new gov could have sat there and done nothing, and STILL have a surplus of about $18-$19 billion because that's what was left by Costello). If he knew, he would have dramatically increased spending to try and "get ahead of the curve" as they are putting it. I don't see that happening, they were too preoccupied with inflation. It's funny, now we're worried about possibility of deflation... calling us loonies and you're saying the "indisputable facts" are business don't trust each other and banks are making billions from ATM fees? The Reserve Bank put in the new reforms to ATM fees, not the banks, so blame the RBA but even despite this, the estimated outcome is $200 million in a worst case scenario... yeah, the "indisputable facts" of "billions" The issue of credit is one that the RBA tried/trying to resolve by adding liquidity to the financial markets. The Gov putting extra money into the economy is NOT a reason to increase the credit flow! You can very well have the situation where a business is doing well, the books look good, everything is in order BUT they STILL can't get credit due to the availability of funds! The economy and the financial markets are two different beasts. So this "reason" to add money to the real economy to increase credit flow is another interesting "indisputable fact" you're misrepresenting the ACCI and in some cases out-and-out misrepresenting them and their state counterparts. Here's what Peter Anderson CHIEF EXECUTIVE of the ACCI had to say... "Well the package doesn’t contain all of the elements that we were looking for. There is a proper debate about the mix of measures. But in a broad sense it does address major infrastructure issues, and it also does provide some increased stimulus even though we would have preferred to see that stimulus in the form of tax cuts rather than lump sum payments." "We certainly saw a stronger case for tax cuts to occur rather than a cash handout. Tax cuts have the benefit of flowing through the economy over a period of time, and they do also represent some structural reform to the tax system and bringing forward tax cuts would not have had quite as big an impact on the budget..." Yep, he's certainly not after tax cuts But wait, there's more! this time for the state branches of the CCI - Tasmania http://www.abc.net.au/news/stories/2008/10/21/2396712.htm - "Plea for business to tax cuts" And this, STRAIGHT from the CCI WA website http://www.cciwa.com/content/Challenging_e...mic_reform.aspx - "Challenging economic times call for tax cuts, greater infrastructure investment & renewed commitment to economic reform' but i guess we must be ... signed, -indisputable facts-
  14. keep adding/taking of that wing mate! what do you do when it's off? just plug the holes with something? or have you attached it another way?
  15. ok, that sounds fair enough and by the sounds of it, they know what you'll be getting in terms of quality from Spencers
  16. i've definitely heard of it before, maybe that's why...
  17. hey Gareth, yeah what i meant by a "promise" is that they have straight out said "we won't raise taxes" - they haven't twisted with something like, it's our intention not to... or if the prevail conditions are consistent with treasury's forward estimates, blah blah, they just straight out said it. So if they do, it's a MAJOR slap in our faces and one that which could hurt them dearly. We know it now, we just have to wait and see... it's a good opening none-the-less... well they're lucky that peter costello sorted out their tax policy for them at the last election, forcing them to budget it. So we'll be getting tax cuts in the new financial year but it would have made more sense to bring them forward, or even increase the cut
  18. fair enough if you were going for a full respray... but still, as i understood it, if you said "Mi-Colour... now" then as their much vaunted "choice of repairer" that shouldn't have been the deal. Maybe there's some fine print about dropping your car off at a panel beater, or something like that
  19. hahah dude, if someone is coughing up the $$ (ie Shannons) you wouldn't take it to DT I'm not bagging out Vu at all (my car was sprayed at DT, bodykit done at DT) but if i had the choice, i'd be straight to Mr Gloss or Charli Battisti (sp?) for like a $7K respray. And i know i wouldn't offend Vu by sending my car to Mr Gloss, he knows the score Or even Mi-Colour I'm sure if you said i'd like it sent to Mr Gloss, they wouldn't have cared but yeah, check the car thoroughly, but also keep an eye on it a few months down the track as well. So what parts have been sprayed? am i thinking of the right place? is it gardenvale? still i think it was pretty weak of Shannons to take that as your "choice of repairer"...
  20. spencers..... is that like Gardenvale, near intersection of Nepean and Gardenvale rd? (i think gardenvale rd) ah... isn't Shannon's choice of repairer???
  21. ^ i noticed that with the bushfires as well... it's done. The money is coming, we can't do anything about it. Yes, there is way too much cash being handed out, but this was always an ideological battle between the three t's and the three p's. The three t's won because that's the sort of people in government. If this blows up in their faces, then we might have another long run of coalition after the dust settles, who knows. The promise has been made by labour that taxes will not go up. That's pretty straight forward and one i'm sure we'll be keen to hold them to account if anything changes. Please try and spend on a service if you can /end public service announcement
  22. jeebus... i'll go out on a mightly limb here and bravely deduced you earn less than $80K a year? if yes, read the rest of the bloody thread! disclaimer in place in case said part time job resulted in NO tax being paid
  23. who's doing the painting?
  24. should have spent it on a service
  25. i thought it was a good recommendation um... what else.... there's Kev's driver training days? that'd be a good one. He should have a "Give Kev's money to Kev driving day!"
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