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Everything posted by SS8_Gohan

  1. if you really want to "do your bit" spend this money on a SERVICE, and i don't mean a car service (although it could be that), i mean when you talk about goods and services, spend the money on a what would be classified as a service. This means the money circulates in the economy longer, and considering how much stuff we buy is from o.s., keeps the money in Australia for longer as well. I recommend perhaps taking the car for a bit of a spruce up to Damian @ Final Inspection for a thorough detail, or maybe get that 100K km service you've been meaning to do. Won't cover it completely, but will go a long way to doing so. Yes, the make-up of the package was wrong (IMO) but we can't do anything about it now, it's passed. So we just have to try and spend in the best way possible. Normally i'm a save, save save guy but i will spend this $900, and on a service. I have a feeling it will be going to my interior... hello local trimmers
  2. what are you planning on doing with the fluids? Will you stick with Mobil 1 or go to something like Redline? And are you planning on changing any of drive-train fluids to that Willall stuff? they claim a lot less particular matter floating around than the OEM stuff...
  3. wow.... just wow.... did you tell him to buy a standard R and spend a metric f*ckload on go fast bits!!?? If you spent, in total, say $150K on after market parts, ontop of say $150k for the car (so $300K) surely, surely, you'd have a car immeasurably quicker car than the SpecV? didn't know you were an importer...
  4. i've heard the PDK isn't much chop?
  5. 17's with those profiles, i'd run around 38psi - 18's with 35 profiles, i run 40psi
  6. *sigh* everyones suddenly an expert, and suddenly all blame is place on back burning restrictions. i think there maybe is just a "tad" more to this disaster than the lack of "clearing undergrowth". right wing is loving this, they haven't had a chance of a good old greeny bash for a while. i think the previous posters comment re climate change was with regards to the actual atmospheric conditions of the day. The simple fact is that it was the HOTTEST day since records began, period. Could just be we were due for a hot day, could just be something has shifted climatically. Who knows, but i just hope the right wing can stop the green bashing for a second and i hope the left wing can stop the climate "bible" bashing for a moment, and let more important things take priority, there will be plenty of time for those things later.
  7. so what'd you think of the car Jeff at sandown??
  8. a few heat soak issues perhaps
  9. Deputy PM in parliament was reading out some stories, it one was of this couple where the wife had been nagging the husband to build a fire shelter, to which his reply was "stop bloody nagging me and i'll build the bloody thing!" hahahah, anyways, he built the fire shelter which from pictures look like nothing more than a whole lot of those cinder blocks? the ones bigger grey ones? dug down into the earth. And that was it, a fairly small brick area built into the earth. They lost the house i believe, but survived unharmed. i'm also certain there will be some extra mandatory requirements for new homes what's all is said and done.
  10. for those wondering why residents didn't leave, they did... but the fire was travelling at 120km/hr....... 120km/hr..... i don't care if you're Tsuchiya, you cannot maintain a 120km/hr+ place on a winding country road with smoke so thick you can only see a few metres in front. Ever wonder why there were so many car accidents? people couldn't see, people were rushing to get out it was the speed of which it came.
  11. I can see where Ash is coming from, where as his timing may not have been brilliant, these points will inevitably arise in the coming days/weeks. Is Victoria the only state left that doesn't have mandatory evac's? Questions will be asked and then there's the Royal Commission... I think it comes down to what people are accustomed too... given the fact we are a developed country, with some of the best living standards in the world, i think it's safe to say that no, we are not accustomed to what has happened. And as a result, we are suitably shocked and appalled at what has happened, and most feel very strongly the need to help where they can. I don't know if playing the numbers game really helps either. 20,000 kids die every day in developing countries (UNICEF) but there's no way in hell something like that will keep constant mainstream media attention, unfortunately it's just too common place. And you could go on forever, with human stats, animal stats, habitat stats... but geographically, we are a slightly removed from it all and it's hard to relate sometime, where-as now, relating to what has happened has been acutely increased, and there in lies the very strong emotional responses but also reassuringly, the sense that when people feel as if they CAN help, they WILL, which is what's happening. If you take a place like Sudan, those feelings CAN be detached somewhat just due to the distances involved... This is a discussion forum, so we should be able to discuss, but i would perhaps advise that there is a time and place for everything (and indeed there will definitely be a time to look back on this and ask what needs to be fixed) but perhaps until things have settled down somewhat, we should just support where we can and if we feel appropriate, discuss things further at a more appropriate time. Nothing will be achieved whilst emotions are still so raw, and whilst the danger has not even passed yet. Condolences to those that have lost people or property.
  12. these places (fire effected) aren't that far away... perhaps we could all cruise up with full car loads of stuff? too bad the import community is mainly coupes with shithouse boot space come on Stagea owners.... "WAGONS..... HOOOOOooooohh"
  13. ^ sorry mate, just over at ns.com reading about - Jacobs, his parents and Charlzy RIP guys bring the f*ckers who started this into one of the relief areas, tie 'em up and let the mob rule... marysville fire is looking to have been deliberately lit - scarier still that the rumours are CFA members were involved - hope that's not the case
  14. any chance of integrating donations for the Bushfire victims?
  15. detailaddiction.com.au/forums, easily the best local detail forum, if not one of the best worldwide
  16. wow, A LOT of mis-information in here, to set the record straight... The fugly spoiler is an Altia spoiler, it comes with the Altia kit which is most commonly referred to as the Nismo kit, which is incorrect. Altia were one of a few companies that received detail drawings of the skyline models before they were released to develop 'sports option' kits at time of sale. The REAL Nismo kit for the GTT is VERY rare and i can't say i've ever seen a full genuine Nismo kit in the flesh. To the poster above with the "different" wing mounts, this is IN FACT the Nismo spoiler, the REAL one. It used the stock blade but different mounts. http://www.nengun.com/nismo/front-indicators-clear-smoked - can't find the kit link, but that's the REAL Nismo front bumper so what we call here and what most the brokers calls the 'Nismo' kit is in fact Altia. And the dude above actually has the REAL Nismo spoiler but at least the Altia rear bumper. Assuming the mounts are genuine. Hope that clears everything up.
  17. Kev might be them for ya you've got PM too john-e
  18. man i hunted everywhere for Nismo inj. until a set turned up on ebay, they are next to impossible to find second hand. These are going for about $1300 delivered too, so second hand price is good mind if i ask what injectors you upgraded too? good luck with the sale, should go quick cos these are damn hard to find
  19. ok, blitz made good ones but discontinued, so pretty much forget about those. One wrecker i think in SA has some second hand ones but for about $1200 Nismo are the ONLY drop in ones, 4 hole spray pattern, $1200-$1300 delivered, stupidly expensive and rare as hens teeth to find second hand, trust me, i was looking for a while until a set turned up on ebay. And what do you know, someone on SAU is selling a set Sard aren't straight drop in like the Nismo's, and frankly, don't have that brilliant a rep compared to the Nismo's. Other options then become... GTR injectors (need fuel rail and possibly resistor packs) HKS fuel rail which gives you more options Hi flows - done here locally or done via deutchworks, some people love them, some people hate them. RC Engineering in the states could probably also rustle up some hi-flows. Then, i was going to go with ANOTHER option until i found the Nismo's. A guy in Melbourne was advertising converting side feed to top feed, using these billet aluminium bungs or something. I asked if he could go the OTHER way, top feed to side feed. Because if us NEO'ers went to side feed we'd have a ZILLION options. He doesn't see why you couldn't go top to side, but i never followed through with it cos i found the Nismo's. I know there's no OEM info, but that's pretty much what i found out with after market options for the NEO, and yes it's VERY limited if you don't want hi-flows or get fiddly with new fuel rails. I reckon someone should give the top-side feed conversion a shot, cos surely then there would be a lot more options available.
  20. hmm... yeah, i'd go with high/low boost or lap timer... hahaha, self destruct... "the technology must not fall into the hands of ze germans!"
  21. no idea mate... have next to zero knowledge when it comes to turbo's, very slowly learning. maybe if he has a 33 housing he grinds it out to make it bigger? dunno... i might check with him
  22. ah yes, that probably would have helped. Stock turbo thanks for the offer anyway
  23. got an alarm with remote start? i have a valet switch which is exactly like that, i think it means the car can't be remote started - mines in a different spot though
  24. Hey guys, kinda in a bit of a pickle, in need of a blown 33/34 turbo for a hi-flow job... i got confused and thought i could provide the turbo after but i need to front it first... aaaaand i'm booked in for an install on the 10th Feb sooo, was hoping i could possibly grab a dead turbo off someone (with $$ of course) today? (Friday) or on the weekend and if i'm lucky drop it off at the builders today, or at least first thing monday. silly me should have got this sorted earlier. if you could help out, i would be very grateful muchos gracias chinny
  25. i reckon Trent @ Status Tuning could do either, race or standard build
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