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Everything posted by SS8_Gohan

  1. mate, did you have insurance? if yes, are you covered without an alarm? how long have you had the car for?
  2. full comp insurance? how long had you had the car for?
  3. are there many DECA's run in a year when you add up all the various car clubs? or do we have to wait for the SAU days?
  4. As of today, Monday the 10th of November, Final Inspection will discontinue offering Car Wash Services. We will no longer operate out of the Boutique we have occupied for almost 2 years. All Detailing Services Booked from Wednesday the 12th of November to 1st January 2009 Will Be Honoured via a Mobile Service. Final Inspection will continue to operate in the same manner as it has been, albeit without the Wash Services normally offered at the Brunswick Site. We will be contactable on the same details: (03) 9387 8008 [email protected] www.finalinspection.com.au and soon, products will be available online via the fresh Online Store to be launched this Friday the 14th of November '08. We Thankyou for all your support & custom over the past 2 years and we sincerely hope that this does not inconvenience you. A Large Franchise will operate out of the same site with Washing Services shortly. Damian. ------ sad, sad day but understandable and i'm glad D decided to take a break. FIAB had state-of-the art washing facilities, and the washing procedure was first class. No other car wash in Melb could come close to what was offered there. It's sad to see that the MF was ditched by the new owners and out came sponges and terry cloths. D was absolutely working to the bone and washing is not what FI is about. But FI is still around as per above, just no FIAB anymore so no washing services. Keep an eye out for the new website, and big and exciting things from from FI next year Still the only person in Melb that you should take your car to get detailed
  5. bayside way would like to ad, preferably someone who is very comfortable with this sort of stuff, soldering, firewall stuff, solenoid placement (no more than 3feet from turbo??)- because there won't be much point asking me for opinions - i have been known to be a great torch holder however would like to avoid unlimited boost install as cool as that maybe, i'm not sure my turbo will like it
  6. hey vic peeps, got a Blitz Spec R, apparently fairly easy to install but i had a look before DECA, looked up some guides here but really seemed a bit over my DIY skill level (which is next to non-existent). i think i've got everything (vacuum hoses etc) but it's stuff like soldering that i've never done before. as people have told me it's easy, i'm hoping for some of you this will be a walk in the park, and whoever can help me will be thanked via a slab of their choosing, imported boutique fancy pants beer if a must or something like that... anyways, DECA has been an gone, so the rush isn't on but knowing there is free power there in just holding boost (not holding after 4500rpm at the moment) is tempting me cheers, chinny
  7. what about RACV Khoa? they'll come out, whack in another battery, might cost $70-$100, but you could have got there pretty much at the start of proceedings?
  8. oh and the Peugeot Gti sounded nuts!!! not sure what had been done to that car, but the 3 wheel action was great too
  9. Ash, the bbq was great looked at some of my vids, why the f*ck was i changing to 2nd so early! retard....
  10. never liked the X's anyway, why James, why? also commiserations to West the mighty starlet didn't ever start i take it? i want to see results, and i don't want to see results... will down right embarrassing Adrian in the red WRX hatch (the good vintage) was a very impressive driver as well
  11. officially knackered... 1 hours worth of sleep last night getting the car ready, and got home about 15mins ago after leaving at bout 5 - had to take 2 naps on the way home because i felt like i was nodding off. I was joined by an Evo at one stop thoughts... - a little sun kissed - i sucked on skid pan for my first couple turns, got better throughout the day, so kinda happy with that. - learning the skidpan route is a skill in itself - Evo 9 far > Evo 10 - R32 kissing armco and going over the hill at the first chicane on long wang was a scary thing to watch when your turn was coming up... TC back on - sucking at hand brake turns most of the day - Unique R33 GTR really knew how to drive, so did gun metal Evo 9 - Femno's R32 GTR sounds like hell (great driving too) - I ate too many witches hats in the garage = cracked front lip need shower, need sleep Muchos gracias to all the organisers. Corker of a day, and just like golf, it's that one good shot, or that one clean skidpan run that makes you want to come back for more
  12. update guys, i'm meeting the se pre meet crew at CALTEX, KINGSWAY (opposite BMW). so i'm not going to be at the original se pre meet, and will aim to be at caltex kingsway at say 5:25, if you're going to rock up there, i'll be in the black 34
  13. cool, well, in the absence of the OP, i guess we'll just follow the details of the first post. there is the pre SE meet, then it seems most people will meet at the ring rd Macca's at 6.15
  14. heheh, right o, otherside of the bay... so i take it you'll meet up with us on the ring road then?
  15. is there a BP at shep?
  16. adrian, what suburb you coming from mate?? West, just confirming, i'll see ya at Shell, cnr Princess/Warrigul at 5... actually, if it's just us 2, what suburb are you coming from? I'm coming from sandy, so i'd be driving up Warrigul with shell on my right and to be honest, i don't know what the driveway is like, might be too steep for my car to get up without blocking oncoming traffic for a few mins we can cruise up the beach rd, jump on to the west gate from kingsway if that might suit better?? all this talk of shell, don't people want BP petrol stations??
  17. so is anyone else cruising up tomorrow morning?
  18. thanks dezz, printed the form off, will bring various monies tomorrow then
  19. where are the cams forms? and what is the exact monies i need to bring? sorry, flat chat at work (and here till 11:30pm so just trying to get what i can organised), and thought i'd just fire a quick question off cheers, chinny
  20. all the god damn bolts are 12mm! the bracket has some small ass hole.... and i don't have a drill either... thoughts?
  21. where exactly would i be mounting a fire extinguisher??
  22. i heard it's good to have really high pressure for these shindigs? like 45psi, help you get round the cones better, etc? looks to be pretty good conditions, a bit windy perhaps... Forecast for Saturday Sunny. Winds west to southwesterly averaging 20 to 30 km/h. Overnight temperatures falling to around 10 with daytime temperatures reaching the lower 20s. Shepparton..........Sunny.........Min 10.........Max 23
  23. so does that mean it's actually not AS wearing on tyres as normal road surface?
  24. is the DECA skidpan harder on tyres than normal road surface?
  25. just got some practice in, a few mistakes here and there... but thought i'd film it, keep you guys in the loop of my prep... don't mind the car, just my thrash about practice car http://video.kenblockracing.com/flash/smal...&autoplay=0
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