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Everything posted by SS8_Gohan

  1. so $10 is a bargain then! i've just net bank'd the $75, and just going to fill out the pdf, take some pics and email it to the motorsport address. Hope that's ok, don't have access to a fax at the moment
  2. if i pay tomorrow, and fax wednesday, which secures the spot, the $ or the $ + fax? don't have access to a fax until wednesday:(
  3. gareth, i'm 99% down for this so will need a fire extinguisher. What do you think of these? i haven't done any research but i thought they'd be a lot more pricey than $10 anyone else who's got/knows about fire extinguishers think much of the ebay link?
  4. well that is teh ghey isn't it what's happening with the po po? and also why i can't understand Shannons won't provide even a little bit of a discount for GPS tracked cars!
  5. do you know where you'll end up or a rough idea what route you'll take?
  6. ok, james, are both your parents chinese? ad is shite, but unfortunately has worked because we are talking about it
  7. but is the blood 100% asian?? you can't claim nationality as a mix, it's all about the blood mix general refers to mixed blood ie johnny, hungarian/chinese (that's interesting!) i'm aussie(english origins)/chinese and i don't like the ad
  8. if it's down to metal, sorry to say, but that's respray
  9. just thought i'd add, i've got an R33 super dragger on my R34, there isn't a whole lot of difference and any exhaust shop should be able to modify it to fit. The R33 is a touch longer i think. nice and quiet at idle/cruising speed too
  10. do some people go up friday night and stay? or are people staying saturday night?
  11. dude, $375 got me shocks/springs/camber kits front+rear, alignment, and one of the most reputable sus places in Vic. did you get any other quotes!!!!????
  12. was the s15 jdm or oz delivered
  13. oh, forgot to add... to me, choice of repairer pretty trumps ANYTHING. I would gladly pay more on my premium if it meant i could hand my car over to Mr Gloss, without having to sell my left kidney to get work done there. I did ring JC a few months ago, just to see how it would compare. - Agreed value with shannons is way more than what JC would give me at market value - Excess way more with JC - No choice of repairer with JC i'd easily pay a couple hundred more given the above. But as it turns out, JC and shannons were the same premium. The benefits you get with shannons easily outweighs a couple hundred cheaper quote else where
  14. i know that, but i thought i'd put it out there (hence the question mark) as it's a cheap mod that can handle 200rwkw. enough for some, not enough for others was just food for thought in case you hadn't considered it or know about it
  15. r34 smic?
  16. i've been with shannons since i was 20 i think (i think late 20). R34. At the end of the call when i got all the policy sorted, they told me the only reason they even CONSIDERED insuring me was because i was a member of a CAMS affiliated club (thanks SAU VIC) and i was planning on tracking the car. Perhaps they were a little more lenient back in the day. I've also been on extreme limited use and limited use policies, genuinely so and i appreciated them taking my word at face value. I "think" i started at $1900 for extreme limited use, then i jumped to $2100 when changing to limited use (so that would have been 21 yrs old) and now it's $12xx i think. 25 on Nov 28th, so hopefully it's going to come down some more So yeah, in short, they insure under 25. Perhaps they are a little tougher these days by the sound of it, or maybe they just make an assessment on how you sound over the phone But i wouldn't even bother checking with them without being a SAU Vic member, or some a member of some sort of CAMS club.
  17. yep, i think i've had 1, maybe 2 contracts during my mobile history, like the freedom to move if something good comes up. And i saw this TPG ad on the back of a bus, and i'm in, activated the account tonight. Should be up and running in about 24-48 hours. what plan you got at the moment Ash?
  18. i BYO'd phone, so don't know about the deals with phones... there were some to choose from though, check it out at TPG if you're keen so yeah, for me it's just sim/plan. I think it's the cheapest NO CONTRACT plan going, well, cap plan anyway. Other has $19, $300 caps but they're 24month lock in
  19. what tyres you running Chris? pricey?
  20. found a corker deal with TPG, and i'm in the middle of switching. I've got the sim, but haven't activated yet and haven't canceled with optus yet, but i'm practically up and running with TPG, which is Soul, which i guess is just optus in the end i did mine over the net as i think that was the only way of doing it with TPG. $19.99, $300 cap, NO CONTRACT, just pay by the month. Got my number brought over from optus. Happy camper. I'm currently $49 cap with Optus for like $230 calls, so TPG was a no brainer especially with no lock-in contract. leave whenever i want. Hope i haven't missed something, and there's some catch 22
  21. turns out the imac at home as bluetooth, whaddayaknow turns out Macs are still shit and have a useless supply of programs written for it, ie MyPhoneExplorer... i can get the iMac to recognise a Nokia 6230 that i'm using in the meantime... is there are good program, for mac, that will let me go in and delete ALL my sim #'s from the mac? Otherwise i'll have to go through # by # manually. oh, can get the old wet SE to link up with a program called 'phoneagent' but the phone always seems to reset itself automatically before it can finish getting all the contacts > - so at this stage, i need to do it via the Nokia, but don't know a good management program for mac for Nokia
  22. found the sony box, and cd, but the F*ckers didn't give me a data cable... guess i'll have to hunt down a bluetooth computer and put MyPhoneExplorer on it
  23. thanks shan, i'll give it burl... IF i can find the cable i would like the sms's as well... The one i had, T30 or whatever... i had since 2002 and was going fine until mid this year, so i reckon i had a pretty good run. Pre-historic phone by todays standards, but still did everything i needed it to do. now, has Sony E changed it's data cables over the years???
  24. hahaah, i was referring to something slower
  25. ah.... yes.... the box... and.. CD....
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