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Abo Bob

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Everything posted by Abo Bob

  1. http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/in...topic=54462&hl= There.
  2. It's just the dust cover. Best to be in one piece but wont cause immediate damage.
  3. Defamation actions are civil so there is no guilty or not guilty. The essence might be damage to reputation but you can legitimately damage someone's reputation with the truth.
  4. And the pic is the wrong side for us to tell.
  5. I blew my tiptronic up but that was with lots of track days and more power than standard.
  6. As a side note, the calaisturbo forum was asked if they were interested and they spent the entire thread bitching about the price. The ausrotary forum was asked because we feared we would not get the numbers and they all paid straight up without a peep about price. Here I guess we are 50/50. A number of people missed out because they didn't get their money in fast enough. We would love to hold it open til the last minute for straggling Skylines but if we end up 20 cars short the club loses $2k. Assuming this event runs smooth like the last one we will run another next year when the weather cools a little and you can all get you money in for it early and avoid dissapointment. Have I been too harsh here?
  7. I currently have 16-20 on the reserve list Tommy. Elbee - yes WSID make the rules and change them on a whim sometimes. They nearly didn't allow 2nd drivers at all. The alternative to the second driver rule as it stands would be a full extra payment for the extra driver and that would get the extra compliment of spectators. Of course it's too late for that now because we are already fully booked. The reason why there are not more cars is because of ANDRA rules and insurance. Basically if you go over 50 cars it is classed as a different event and requires a lot more staff and increased insurance. You end up getting hit with all sorts of extra charges and need 1000 or more PAYING spectators just to cover your costs let alone all the extra organisation required. I work from 8am til 6pm mon-fri and in between organising Show and shines, drag days, track days and other club stuff I need to rebuild my engine and spend some time with my girlfriend so this event is not going to get any bigger while I'm running it. It should also be noted that although we all like to have a whinge about WSID the fact is that WSID Ltd. (the company) is a non profit organisation. The government spent 30 odd million building the place and they want some of it back via WSID Ltd. Who should pay? Us or your Mum (via taxes)? Turns out it's a bit of both. WSID is run by drag racing enthusiasts too, just like this club. We might not agree with their methods but they have to make the decision on what to charge based on a bunch of considerations that we don't know the details of. Anyway, that's my rant. If I could make it cheaper or better I would. Charlie, Brett, Brad, Adrian and others understand these things from their proximity but the rest of you will have to trust me.
  8. Ok the man with the answers is here. elbee - your second driver actually takes the spot of your first pit crew. doodz - you can come with me but no friends unless other entrants put them on their lists because I don't know them. In return you can help me with the bbq and drinks stall. We need a couple of other helpers too people. Parking is no problem.
  9. The GTR had it replaced because they were going for more hp than it could handle. There's nothing wrong with second hand GTR pumps, particularly later model ones. There's nothing wrong with the bosch pumps you mentioned either - just cost more.
  10. I think the alternator is stuffed and it will stuff your battery too. Actually, there is a regulator on the alternator somewhere I think. You might be able to get that replaced for not very much. Auto elec should fix fairly quick.
  11. It sounds like it could be a miss at idle which could be plugs or coils. Does it have any hesitation at high rpm?
  12. Just floor it dude!!!!!~!~!!@!~@#~! And hit the NAWS!!!!!!!!!!!!1111111111yeah!!!
  13. I only recently passed the 50% mark for this year. Ie; my car was on the road for more than 50% of the year. I am now going backwards again.
  14. One supporting mod well owrth having is a decent fuel pump. A second hand GTR one is a good cheap upgrade.
  15. No it can't. If ABC puts cheese in my engine and I say ABC put cheese in my engine then it might affect their reputation but because it's true then that is a legitimate defence to the defamation action. Check the links and stuff I posted.
  16. I blew mine at 13 psi. Was set to 12 but spiked and blew.
  17. No one said 11 psi blows them.
  18. Dude have a look around on the forum. If you and your bro are boosting away happily then good luck to you. That's all it is anyway. There are plenty of us here who have blown one of these turbos so we know how to do it.
  19. Well I don't think I could have guessed that one . Good to hear it's all good now.
  20. I use a CES split dump they are in qld I think www.cesracing.com.au or something like that. was good for stock turbo and now for GCG highflow. with new turbo you need bigger fuel pump, new fuel regulator, best to get new injectors. 480cc nismo drop in easy. and a PFC to tune it all up. some say you need a z32 AFM some don't.
  21. Of course you are welcome. That's a pretty good time for an NA Zed.
  22. Hey greg, I knew they had just become available but I also knew they were out of my price range. Maybe the next rebuild I'll aim for 500,000,000rwkw and I'll need these rods for sure.
  23. Ok everyone. Second payments can now be made.
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