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Abo Bob

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Everything posted by Abo Bob

  1. Excellent. Also I believe you owe us a few $? Please pm me.
  2. Great day peeps. I wish I could have driven but... oh well. All the volunteers were great especially DIF, Georgie, Ando, Steveo, Chubb, Goldy, Doof, Ian, Rosie & Luke, other Luke, Shell, Duncan (ute lending), Sh@un, and of course all those people I inevitably forget at these times. I just want to add that all the entrants were the best behaved entrants to an event ever. 98% great behavior. They few that were spoken to took it on the chin and modified their behavior appropriately. When the day was over people helped us pack up, collect cones and rubbish etc and when everyone left they did so without fuss/burnouts. You probably don't realise just how much this means to me but it was great. Thanks. Also I'll add now while I think of it, I loved the 31's on the pan (and FEAR too was great out there) but I fear that the visit we had from the EPA wont be the last. I expect that in future all cars will have to be properly muffled.
  3. Wrap up thread.
  4. Maybe auction rather than raffle. Either way I'll be there as long as I am free.
  5. Somehow I think thr RS's will be Micks tyre of choice.
  6. Actually the CAMS rules don't state metal but a lot of scruitineers think they do so it's to get one to avoid the argument.
  7. Bliss.
  8. Dear Members, It has been commented upon to me numerous times lately that the quality of the NSW section of the forum has dropped significantly. Sadly it appears that a large number of members are participating in this downgrade. Of particular concern to me as President of the club is how we look to potential members and entrants to our events. As much as it appears otherwise, the forums and the club are distinctly different entities, however they are almost inextricably entwined. How we appear on the forums affects the chances of members renewing, new people joining and anyone participating in our events. This is what we do in the main; we organise events for Skyline enthusiasts to attend. It is my proposal that things change from the top down. The execs, admins and mods will lead by example. The members will then lead the rest of those who post in the NSW sections by example and finally the aforementioned rest will be the new beacons across the rest of the forums and maybe even the other forums they are on. As President of the club I will lead by example. Feel free to pull me up, via pm, if you notice me slip up. As a moderator of the NSW section I will enforce the President's wishes in the members section with reminders, warnings and bannings. Similarly, in the rest of the NSW sections I will be be enforcing these ideals because I think they are a good idea and so will the other mods and admins. The new ideals of the NSW section of the forums are as follows: People posting will at all times do so politely. Bitching and moaning is unnecessary and unproductive. Cutting others down and pwning them is not needed. Off topic in-jokes are exclusionist and discouraged, although we are not trying to kill fun, just trying to be more inclusive. Consideration will be had of the feelings of those you are disagreeing with. Consideration will always be given to how your post looks to the outside world. Whore thread is the place for free chat, off topic etc posts and will be moderated less strongly. Warnings and bannings will be issued for people disobeying these rules, regardless who they are. In particular personal attacks and off topic posts in event threads.
  9. A lot of people around here are sick of that kind of thing. You can call your mates that if they approve or you can use it anger elsewhere if you think it's appropriate but here we are sick of the rudeness. Fair call mate.
  10. The actual rego fees are not very much. It's the greenslip that is the killer and the calculations used to work out what we pay are kept secret from us. One thing is for sure - no greenslip money goes to, or was ever intended to go to, roads.
  11. Added you to the list.
  12. Not necessary. Warning issued. I believe being empty or not there is also a defect. Not necessary. Warning issued. I disagree. I think the rules that are in place are far too harsh and unreasonable. Yeah I am interested to see it too. I doubt the split dump will be an issue.
  13. Yup. That's how it should work.
  14. Just a little light shuffling in an attempt to please everyone.
  15. 3 peeps from our house.
  16. First post updated and thread cleaned of off topicness to make life easier for me.
  17. Ok thread cleaned up a little and reopened. Let's keep it polite and on topic please. Ignore this at your e-peril. For what it's worth I think the car has/will have no more extrinsic value than any other random GTS25T with the same mods however it's intrinsic value to it's owner may be much higher.
  18. MPH is good. I'm only running 110ish for 12.4's. I know it would go 12.3 at least with the gearbox repaired. So 11's for you maybe?
  19. I can vouch for Matt. He didn't post that or the another couple.
  20. First post updated with cabin allocations.
  21. What did you run Anna and Brad?
  22. Example of a fair minded post: Example of a rude and unnecessary post: Why is there so little politeness on forums? You wouldn't punch a guy in the face if you thought he was exaggerating so why the e-punch?
  23. I vote lunch time. It would be awesome if everyone cruised down together. Would make for some great footage for Ignition too.
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