Yes we can tell Roy.
You do need to say this is what I have done (times and mods/cost). Drag racers are the worst for the comments like, "Yeah I got a 14.2 but my tyres are shit, my fuel was old, the track wasn't prepped properly, my mum was watching, etc and I would have got a flat 12"
I personally don't like those kind of, 'could have except for' comments, but hey, who am I to rain on your dreams .
I think you hit the nail on the head with the cost issue though.
Fatz is building (really slowly) an aussie R31 with SR20, silvia suspension and welded diff which should surprise a few people for cheap speed. I considered buying it off him but decided I'd rather spend more money on the 34. I'm not going to be faster but I will have speed, handling and comfort all in one package.