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Abo Bob

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Everything posted by Abo Bob

  1. Maybe drive to melbourne when the vic guys are having ameet of some sort. It only takes a few minutes to swap over a stock ECU or AFM. I'd hate to see spend money on something that doesn't fix your problem.
  2. I'm taking mine out on the weekend and sending it on monday. Will let you all know how it goes in the R34.
  3. Looks like you have the pearl white there. A 1999 R34 GTT Pearl White 4 door. Can't really go wrong there. Good to hear it's back and working although "secondary throttle position switch circuit" sounds a bit weird. Ahh well, who cares. It works now. Enjoy.
  4. Have you checked you AAC Valve?
  5. As for the hiccoughs on cruise, you need to find a friend with the same car to swap the AFM and ECU (separately) to confirm whether either of them are at fault here.
  6. well I know that the RB25 AFM reads up 5 point something volts and the z32 one reads up to 3 point something volts but it is reading more air for those 3 volts than the RB25 one is reading at 5 volts. So I guess that means that far more air will be going into the engine than the AFM is telling the ECU so the ECU wont put enough fuel in and your motor will blow up from being too lean or it just wont run at all. Of course I don't know all this for sure. I'm just exercising my mind here.
  7. So I take the top half of the plenum off... then what? disconnect fuel supply first? take fuel rail off? do injectors just plop in or are they bolted in? do I need to get new rubber o rings on the new injectors? should they be lubed with something before putting them in? reuse the same plenum gasket? is that the only gasket here?
  8. The ecu hasn't been chipped for these injectors. I've never done anything like injectors before so I don't want to be pulling my car apart for 3 days in the carpark of the place that is doing the tuning. As you can probably tell, I'm also trying to save some dosh by doing it myself. Anyone got any pointers for me?
  9. I have an R34 GTT with the standard 330cc injectors. I have some 480cc Nismo ones to put in. I am running the stock ECU which has been chipped. If I put the bigger injectors in, will my car run? Will it start? Will it run but foul the plugs? Will I be able to drive it halfway across Sydney to get it tuned? Thank you.
  10. We are not saying they all crack, but that they are prone to it so some of them definitely will, but of course lots of them definitely wont.
  11. I doubt very much that a Z32 would work with stock ecu.
  12. They do sell them.
  13. Hey Elushun, you've got the Nismo gaugues in the middle! Where did you get them? Are you gonna pretty up your AVC-R mounting with a backing bit?
  14. Yes we can tell Roy. You do need to say this is what I have done (times and mods/cost). Drag racers are the worst for the comments like, "Yeah I got a 14.2 but my tyres are shit, my fuel was old, the track wasn't prepped properly, my mum was watching, etc and I would have got a flat 12" I personally don't like those kind of, 'could have except for' comments, but hey, who am I to rain on your dreams . I think you hit the nail on the head with the cost issue though. Fatz is building (really slowly) an aussie R31 with SR20, silvia suspension and welded diff which should surprise a few people for cheap speed. I considered buying it off him but decided I'd rather spend more money on the 34. I'm not going to be faster but I will have speed, handling and comfort all in one package.
  15. Comp2 pads on the rear. And yes, cracking. How much do you want to spend on the upgrade? btw Racebrakes do the pads we are talking about. Bendix Ultimates are pretty good too and there is a forum sponsor (Kudos motorsport) selling them cheaply at the moment. Ultimates are quite dusty and sometimes squeally though. Don't know how dusty RB74's are but they are known to sometimes be a bit squeally too.
  16. You would be better off finding someone local who is upgrading.
  17. Perhaps there are enough other differences in the engines and even the drive train to throw the formula out?? I have found some of my own notes that say they are 330cc and someone else told me they were 330 or 340. I am still looking for actual proof though.
  18. Some people will be late. If the booking is made under the name Skylines Australia you just ask the person showing you to the table.
  19. I just bought some RE55's and although I only got about 6 laps in before my turbo blew the difference between the street tyres that I have been using in the past and these is amazing. I got the SR compound.
  20. 7:30 isn't too hard to make to.
  21. search in the for sale section. a few people have measured them when posting them for sale.
  22. Nice colour. The seats look different to mine and most that I've seen.
  23. And when you've answered that question post a pic or two of your car
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