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Abo Bob

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Everything posted by Abo Bob

  1. Umm yeah, I forgot to tell you but I was already booked in my own mind...
  2. Cool thanks for that.
  3. Ok I've cross-checked prices now and this is a very good deal. Can you tell it's my last day at work today? The guy is on holidays until the 10th at which point I will be confirming numbers and price although price looks good as is. So post away people. I'll be back here in January.
  4. You can have whatever you want. No restrictions at all.
  5. They are the same as the R33 ones if that helps any.
  6. So what's the planned setup for the day session wise? Also how many cars are/will be coming? Is the south circuit the figure 8 part or the part with the straight?
  7. Cool. I've an idea we are looking at around $160 for all windows on a 2 door, $180 for a 4 door. Probably cost around $60 to remove. This is an early indication only. I have more work to do in this regard. Will confirm prices in early January.
  8. I'm looking to firm up numbers very early in january and then I will be getting a price. I think a few people posted in the old window tinting group buy thread what they paid in the end. Yeah good idea eh B-Man?!
  9. Question is; do you actually get it Hesh? Dead is dead and that's what you'll be if you don't learn from yours and others mistakes.
  10. I think I remember SK saying that stock for stock the RB25 head was worth about 25 rwkw more.
  11. I think there are some sterotypes and generalities (if that's even a word) being thrown around here. Looking in todays news the words "Toyota Camry" and "Holden Commodore" were used to describe similar accidents. The difference was just that there was no implication of racing probably because there was no inference available to make. I saw a little while ago the result of a new Monaro (dunno which model exactly sorry) that left the road at 250+ km/h. All it takes is a dickhead doing what dickheads do. We are up in arms because our reputation will be tarnished by this. We have to do more than curb our own behaviour if we want to be left in peace to enjoy our hobby and I think this forum and others are helpful in this regard. Just don't forget to tell your friends if you think they are being dickheads. Better injured feelings than the alternative.
  12. No problems guys. I'm not looking at forcing people to come on a certain day. More of voucher based system I think.
  13. It's in the dash I believe as I have replaced my ECU with another one and the kms stayed the same.
  14. Yes I definitely was. No quote yet. Haven't had time but I'm getting it looked at on friday morning.
  15. Didn't that car come to the Putty Road cruise then break down near the start? Or am I thinking of a different green one?
  16. Thanks mate. I think it's about 40kg. Doesn't look as good as that at the moment though. Bloody woman hit me yesterday and took out half my front bar, wrecked both front rims. Now the fun of matching pearl paint...
  17. Yes complete but dirty. Eastern suburbs, near Randwick Racecourse and UNSW. About a month ago. Saw Ceffii (???) in Paddington a week or so ago.
  18. Powerplay are not cheap but they know R34's better than most.
  19. I saw you on Anzac parade a while ago and I saw a blue ceffie with Autostyle sticker in Randwick.
  20. http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/sh...ead.php?t=58990 This is the new thread ok guys.
  21. I'm 6'5" and I have an r34 no worries but there is some adjusting to do when you have your helmet on.
  22. Ok this is the thread we've all been talking about. Please post your intentions and what windows you want done; ie if you want doors only or doors and quarters or rear windscreen as well. Also note if you have a 4 door or 2 door. Also your preferred time frame. I think that's it. Don't whore the thread or post maybe if you're not that likely. It will probably be easier to add people than to come at a disappointment ok. EDIT****** Ok cost will most likely be $160 for a 2 door and $180 for a 4 door. $60 to remove. This is standard price as he will not budge because it's a shit of a job. I believe him. Deadline is 10 January for confirmations however you don't have to get them actually done until you are ready. It's a cash job so don't turn up with your mumma's dentures expecting a trade. I will be posting and pming around the 10th so until then, drive safe peoples. I mean it. ******FURTHER EDIT. This is my email details. sarpi @ punkass.com Please send in the following format: Username: Car 1: Car 2: Real Name: email if different from the one you're sending from: Contact numbers: *********************FINAL EDIT The group buy has now finished. Those of you with codes, ring up and book your time, quite a number of people with codes are yet to get their tinting done.
  23. That looks like 9 + 3 maybes by my rough calculation. If B-man or Brody or whoever want to pm the number I'll ring. hmm... or I could pm B-man myself...
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