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Abo Bob

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Everything posted by Abo Bob

  1. As the title says. Obviously quality is nice; so is cheapness. Ahh such a difficult balancing act. Of course for all I know there's only one place to get it done anyway. Can you flow test them yourself?
  2. Maybe when they rebuild them they use ball bearings???
  3. That's the first time I've actually seen them Nick. Nice.
  4. Just did recent fuel consumption on my spreadsheet last night. Never hit a 12 (L/100km) since upping the boost but not only did 2 of the last 4 tanks get into the 12 but one tank was 11.06 L/100km! The other one was 16 though... hehe.
  5. Do you have any more info or a number for this place that did the high flowing? Ball bearing? Steel wheels? What kind of power would you expect on an RB25?
  6. I just put a FMIC on and seem to have gained 50 km a tank. It's bizarre.
  7. 0-100km/h c'mon Adrian. You know you want to enlighten us all.
  8. Canberra was line fest on the weekend. At the corner of Belconnen Way and something else I saw in about 30 seconds, a black 33 with a big SKYLINE written across the back window, a nice white 33 with a black guy driving, a maroon 33 and another white one. Canberra roads are good for lines methinks.
  9. I'm told that the boffins can work this out using your 60' time and I can't remember what else. Can anyone figure mine out for me and/or show us all how it's done? http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/at...achmentid=25227 Thanks a lot.
  10. I think people need a couple of separate days on a wet skidpan in variety of different cars with close instruction. They also need to experience what a dip or bump does to a car at speed. The kind of dips and bumps that are found all over the country on oridinary roads. Normal roads are not smooth like race tracks. Need to be able to answer questions such as, "did we understeer or oversteer just then?" I also agree with the number of passenger proposals; ie one only for p's.
  11. The whole point of this thread is to save that kind of effort. It's one wire just sitting there as opposed to taking the valley cover off, unbolting the coils, etc, etc, etc....
  12. A 400 awkw GTR is going to be a laggy ho.
  13. You've got spark plug leads on your 34 do you?
  14. I got my helmet for $200 but I know you can get them for $150 new and given the money people spend on their cars it's hardly a major expense. As for needing pedals to go to a track day :uhh:. Lame. Sorry if I sound harsh but I think we've got to get people into the habit of 'taking it to the track' so I'm just giving you a friendly kick up the arse.
  15. Me too. This is the thing I was telling you about Oz. http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/sh...312#post1101312 Good to meet Eric (the new wheels look good), drew (Mr I wont park near you guys), ash (I think we've met before), snuffluffagus (spelling) and all you other smelly regulars. Was good and cheap but crowded. I think we might need a bit more room next time.
  16. Dunno if this is the right section but here we go anyway. Last night OzGTR97-02-02(09-01)V(Vii) mentioned what a pain in the arse it is to check you timing cos of all yobits that you have to take off and I said there is a loop up near the firewall that you hook your timing light up to but of course when I went to find it to show him I couldn't. Well here it is in the pic. It's the blue wire not the yellow one ok.
  17. Maybe this is too obvious, but has it been retuned with the new cams in. I mean could there be something in the previous tune that doesn't sit right with the cams? You've got us all hanging to find out now
  18. Just a suggestion but have you tried setting the cam gears back to zero and pulling base timing? If the second part worked you may just have to slowly wind it back in the usual way.
  19. GCG suggest putting one of their stainless (not that that part matters) manifolds on with the high flow. They reckon it's worth another 20 rwkw. What do people think about that?
  20. My business account gets hit at least $50 a month these days. 2 years ago zero cos there is always money in there, now $600pa ****ers.
  21. Ok I just got mine. Thanks Anthony. One of the four white tabs on the bottom is broken in the mail but I don't think that matters does it?
  22. I haven't got mine yet.
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