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Abo Bob

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Everything posted by Abo Bob

  1. These are my last dyno sheets. Kw and AFR http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/photopost..._2_Kw_v_AFR.jpg boost http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/photopost...yno_2_boost.jpg
  2. As some of you know I have a tiptronic R34 GTT with a modded stock ECU. This has the limiters taken off (ie, overboost, speed, etc) but only a tiny bit of fuel changes. I am trying to find out how tunable it is but don't have answers flying at me at the moment. I'm thinking SAFC II or emanage. They should be a little easier to tune in some respects because the stock protection mechanisms have been removed but there is a definite cost difference. $350-400 for SAFC II??? SAFC tune??? Emanage install and tune $1700+ I have stock turbo, stock cooler (soon to be changed) stock pump and stock injectors. Does anyone know about costs of the above question marks? Does this seem like a worthwhile place to save some money? Thanks for the input. I appreciate it.
  3. I only get 13's on the highway.
  4. I'm going down too. See you there mate.
  5. That Zildjian Dark crash is my favourite cymbal ever. They are breakable though . I see you are missing something though... an extra pedal for you kicker!
  6. 198 and fit in a R34 fine but with a helmet it's a little hard. Still do-able though.
  7. How much Bass?
  8. www.powerplayimports.com
  9. www.meggala.com
  10. Just get a quote in writing and if they say: "there's only three of us here, don't worry about it"; INSIST. I think you're unlikley to have a problem if you have an R33 and follow my advice.
  11. I saw somthing... It looked like a series 3 R31 rear end had badges on the back that said 'turbo' and 'Passage'. It was a 4 door but seemed not to have the middle pillars (is that the 'B' pillar?) It was at Coogee on Saturday morning or whatever time I got there for breakfast.
  12. I think all workshops must have their good days and bad days. Good luck to all.
  13. do you mean drift? drift drift drift drift drift drift drift ****ing drift drift drift. Oh drift! driftdriftdriftdriftdriftdriftdriftdriftdriftdrift driftdriftdriftdriftdriftdriftdriftdriftdriftdriftdriftdrift driftdriftdriftdriftdriftdriftdrift driftdriftdriftdrift driftdrift drift DRIFT! ARGGHgHhggghghghghhbbllmnvc.....
  14. Absolutely disgusting... And Bobsgirl may own one soon
  15. The speed thing does make it sound HICAS related but one thing to check... if it wasn't a skyline I would say that it has been in a smash and the chasis is bent. i had a car like this once and it drove like a crab as you have described.
  16. http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/sh...ead.php?t=42940
  17. Highway is very good Muz. Around town there must be something in the tune rather than anything broken. I get 13.6ish on the highway. I've been to the creek once since I last saw you but I've now had my racing wheels and tyres stolen from my garage so no more racing for a while.
  18. I went shopping with my mum once and as she shut the door after getting in a Huntsman about 10cm across crawled from the outside of the window to the inside. The impact of the door shutting knocked him off the window and into my mum's lap so she screamed and shouted and jumped out the car while the spider ran underneath the dash somewhere. We couldn't get it out so mum sat in the back seat with her feet up and I drove us home. I was 14!
  19. All I can tell you is that the difference between a proper high flow and what most people around here call a highflow is $300 for one and $1000+ for the other. You can guess which is which.
  20. Typical dodgy poll. Will a curfew AND passenger restrictions... Curfew no, passenger restrictions yes. Peer pressure or even just people showing off are real issues. Did anyone see that article on a guy who was the boss of Ford Australia (or maybe it was Holden) and is now in Germany. He is finding it quite difficult to get his licence because the skills you have to possess are higher and the tests you have to pass are harder. He already has Australian and American licences. One thing used as an example was that applicants needed to be able to adequately describe the difference between understeer and oversteer. It needs to be much harder to get a licence and unfortunately that will make it more expensive. I only had my L's for a week before I got my licence and there was no P's in Canberra then. Admittedly I could drive fairly well by the age of 14 but that's not the usual. Skid pan work and other tests and instruction should be added to the list of things to be done before you can get a licence. Look at how much better the motorbike riders are now that much more training is required. This is proven fact. Sorry if this sounds like a rant, and I know I'm not from WA (but I used to live in Mt Hawthorn ) but this is an Australia wide issue.
  21. 1.2 bar with stock turbo?
  22. 15mm according to that. Non standard turbo must be approved too.
  23. I can see the headlines now... "SAU dinner ends in massacre" See you all tomorrow. We are bringing guns cos that's what we're like and also cos I'm 1/4 of 1/5 of 2/10 of not much Italian.
  24. Revert to stock. Sell bits separately. Buy a partially modded GTT or import GTX Four. You can't get RB25DET with 4wd in R34's but you can get manual. If you go the four make sure you start with a bigger turbo and all the rest. Kick our arses straight out. I'm going to go RB30DET eventually I think.
  25. No bank or anything would ever give me a loan so I paid cash for all my cars. When I got my 99 SSS Pulsar and also my GTT I wanted to do driveby-****-you-alls to all the banks. I think I've spent about 5 or 6 grand since buying this one too which makes the final numbers seem scary. Still, my house will not be paid off until 2033 at the rate I'm going on that loan, haha.
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