Group of people hanging around out front of a pub that had just closed, me and another Skyline stopped at the lights and someone yells out, "Look at the Monaro's" !!!!!
Generally I get nothing but nice comments and friendly waves from other cars but most Skyline drivers dis me. Apart from Shonen and GTR-80Y I've never had a friendly acknowledgment from an Asian looking Skyline driver. They are pretty Aussie-Asians though. Don't know why this is.
The only time I ever got beat at a traffic light grande prix was when I miss-pressed the button to change into 2nd gear whilst next to a SS ute. The guy thought he was so good.
Oh hang on... I remember one other time... A Datto 1600 with some serious power absolutely killed me in Canberra one time. Holy shit that thing was fast. He was doing 3rd gear fishies at 100km/h. His comment, "Get a Datto mate!"