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Abo Bob

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Everything posted by Abo Bob

  1. Get your mum to make them. or... there was a group buy on these a little while ago, you could check how that went for a supplier.
  2. I've been told that 79 to 82 degrees is the range (well for my GTT anyway). Mine was running at 88 so I've had a new thermostat put in which fixed it. I'm not saying you need a new thermostat, I'm saying 100 is way too hot. Get a 3 or 4 row. Any good quality radiator shop can help you. I've had custom cores made up for me back in my V8 days and the difference is amazing. Lumpy v8's in Cairns and the NT need hard core cooling. hard CORE geddit hahahaaha. but seriously.
  3. It's not that the emanage has a problem it's that the auto ecu does stuff with the timing to control the gear changes.
  4. I think the only reason why there might be confusion now (well on SAU anyway) is that greddy have fixed the issue for normal use but there are a few people with autos who can't use that harness but can use the rest.
  5. I have a Brant but not that one, not sure which one. I find it arms itself very quickly so if I unlock the car then put some stuff in the boot, then get in and try to start it the alarm goes off. Very annoying/painful/embarrassing. I would suppose this could be adjusted at install though. The shooter runs out of battery really quickly and sometimes you can press it 20 times before it works.
  6. I think we need more whore threads.
  7. Please take the pic of the blue sedan Skyline_boy. It's hurting my feelings.
  8. Hmm, I think perhaps that mine is different to yours. I had to get a specific sedan one from Japan.
  9. I reckon if this thread keeps going steadily for another couple of years then the prices will definitely drop.
  10. They are definitely different.
  11. I don't mind it. Nissan have a range of factory options they call Aero. That's where our bar is from. Not so much of a correction as a clarification ed.
  12. There were 3 R34 GTR's there yesterday when I was there. Made my little GT-t look so tame.
  13. 11.5 R33, 12.5 R34.
  14. I'll have to take your word for it (no sarcasm intended). I'm just remembering my old HG Brougham.
  15. Great because I have the exact same front bar. I was intending to go stealth too. Thanks for that. Why don't you cut away the extra number plate mounting area. That's my intention so as to not block the airflow. May have to put all new mesh in though.
  16. I'm having curry for dimmer tomight.
  17. The AVC-R will not stop it.
  18. Are you saying you topped 3rd gear on Hoddle Street? At wakefield the other day there was a Civic doing 1:15's while I was doing 1:20's. I've since been back doing 1:18's but still...
  19. Thanks for that. Did you have to move the horn? Where to? Cutting the front bar?
  20. I eat kids like you two for breakfast but for dinner is ok too.
  21. His punctuation and grammar needs a little work though.
  22. But thanks to me it's not pedetentous.
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