I'm almost always with you on your missions to educate people Merli, and the times when I'm not it's been because I didn't have enough knowledge to have a clue. You come across as harsh but justified to me. The Forum Policeman, Knowledge Division.
It's true that Ghostrider wandered around a bit in most of his posts but it was your swinging dick and impressing the 14 year olds comments that set the tone; despite the smilies.
It's a public forum. People can and will waffle but there's no need to be rude unless someone throws it at you first.
"In July '74 I put down a 49.6 around Oran Park's short circuit, during a lap dash event with Datsun Driver's Club, so! where does that put me?"
was all it took to get you firing. I would have thought that your answer could have been more like:
"Like I said, MOST people. By the sounds of it, you are not most people. That's where it puts you."
With regard to the issue of who could beat John; 'a good steerer with a well balanced car' or 'not most people on the forum'; you were stating your opinion, not a fact.
FFS! The two of you are arguing different points!
See you on Sunday Merli, me and my stock GT-t are gonna kick John's arse round and round the track all day long. 345 rwkw? Pfff I've got at least a hundred and some very cheap tyres. He doesn't stand a chance.