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Abo Bob

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Everything posted by Abo Bob

  1. Too many burnouts
  2. That surging points me away from coil packs but I'd just like to point out that my coils showed no signs deterioration or earthing and tested fine but when they were replaced the problem was fixed. Not trying to tell you over the internet what to do, just making sure that you and anyone reading this realises that this is a possibility. Good luck with it mate, and let us know what fixes it.
  3. I will post here when I get the results back from the good spelling dyno. Also the doctor has taken a blood sample this morning so I'll post the results of that too. He thinks I have irritable ****wit syndrome but I think it's more likely to be a bad case of bigheaditis. The second point I made above is a valid one so please take it in and abuse anyone who comes in for a soak and leaves without adding to the knowledge pool.
  4. I'd like to bash him for all the rude comments he makes. No seriously, his head is made of mild steel rather than alluminium so it wont get bigger if we praise him. I find it's because at 3.258495 Litres you get optimum head efficiency and any more is a waste of time.
  5. I'll bring my digital camera. It does 3 minute videos too. It's flash isn't too flash though. Better to have plenty of other available light. If I take a couple of little videos, where can I get them hosted? My service provider gives me 10 meg or something but I have to make a web page and I cbf.
  6. People who can't spell. I'll let you get away with a keyboard error but seriously; we live in Australia and we've all been to school. You make a new thread asking for advice. People lob in with their suggestions and you discuss it with them. The thread ends with you saying, "Ok that gives me some things to try. I'll give them a go and let you know how it went." To which one or two people will reply something like, "Would be interested to see how it goes because I have a similar problem." Now you have not only the people who discussed the issue with you, but about a hundred other interested parties, a few of whom have a similar issue of their own, all hanging to find out how it went and what do you do? You say, "**** it. It's fixed now. Couldn't be bothered telling them how it went so I wont." Thank you very ****ing much.
  7. bah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. My Mom is a colored girl but she's not eZ when at the Kwik Mart at nite and that's rite.
  8. What kind of front bar is that Franks? Did you have to cut much away from it?
  9. I think your coil packs are on their way out. Mine was similar to this when it started happening and the people I bought the car from said they would fix it for me. They tried everything but the coilpacks even though I said that's what I thought it was. Eventually they did it; zoom zoom. If this is what it is they will get progressively worse over a month or two. The ECU can only see one side of the coil packs so it can be them without an error code. Check your crank angle sensor too.
  10. Duncan, can you learn to spell please?
  11. How great is this thread? I just got my new zorst on monday and I thought that something was wrong. It sounded like a trucks exhaust brake and vibrated the whole car. The longest one was about 2 seconds. Is this ok? I've got a Fujitsubo somethingerother...
  12. I'll race the loser to make them feel better cos everyone can beat me. :Pimp:
  13. Well I just got permission so I'm there. Hey Tosh, maybe you should tell your gf you are taking her out for the night but come and meet us instead. She'll love you for it!
  14. I hate real player and am not going to install it. Anything else of note in the rest of the interview?
  15. I do too but I might just throw her in the boot and drag her along. Hope to see you there guys.
  16. Not that I know jack about rexes but I am presuming MY04 is a 2004 model rex. It's march and your car was made in Japan this year and you're selling it? Forgive me if you are just a really rich mo fo, but....
  17. I think Prank has them...
  18. Oh and if your Magistrate acts like a complete prick to the people before you adjourn adjourn adjourn. Tell them you've only just recieved legal advice (have a name of a solicitors firm handy) but you were too late to get them there so they told you to adjourn it. You really should get a lawyer to avoid the license loss part (not the loss of money part ha ha). PM me if you need a hand.
  19. Did the cop show any interest in the 4wd? Did you get him to take a note of it? If you pointed it out to him but he didn't get your story until too late then he should still have made a note of it in his little black book which would definitely help as evidence if not that the 4wd did anything then at least that it existed. If the cop is not there tomorrow tell them you want them to adjourn it so that he can be there so you can ask him questions. He would definitely be a help if he was to say that you were ajitated and pointing at the 4wd, and that you cooperated with him. Make it clear to the Magistrate that you have every faith in the law and tell the truth. Oh and good luck, it seems to me that you've got a 50% chance of drawing a reasonable Magistrate.
  20. The whole back end is a different shape. How are the rear quarter panels going to line up for a start?
  21. will let u guys know how it goes... I guess.
  22. 99 SSS pulsar. That car just loved to rev. The engine sound (not zorst) bwtween 6500 and 7500 rpm was awsome.
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