People who can't spell. I'll let you get away with a keyboard error but seriously; we live in Australia and we've all been to school.
You make a new thread asking for advice. People lob in with their suggestions and you discuss it with them. The thread ends with you saying, "Ok that gives me some things to try. I'll give them a go and let you know how it went." To which one or two people will reply something like, "Would be interested to see how it goes because I have a similar problem."
Now you have not only the people who discussed the issue with you, but about a hundred other interested parties, a few of whom have a similar issue of their own, all hanging to find out how it went and what do you do?
You say, "**** it. It's fixed now. Couldn't be bothered telling them how it went so I wont."
Thank you very ****ing much.