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Abo Bob

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Everything posted by Abo Bob

  1. And then I saw a black 33 who also waved but I was too slow. The story of my life. The odds in Canberra are pretty good it seems. Also, an orange Datto 1600 (my arse it was a 1600!) absolutely blew me away on Ginninderra Drive today. I might as well have been driving a Lada Niva.
  2. I spotted a VERY shiny dark red 33 with big FMIC on Caswell? drive this afternoon and got a wave! I tried to give one back but was a little slow getting the window down (dark tints). You Canberra people are actually friendly! Also saw a nice white 32 4 door way down near Tharwa which was nice. It's the first 32 4 door I've seen in the flesh. There's just too many in Sydney and you get barred by heaps of people, the smaller the place the better I think.
  3. And if not? Mine is a 4door. Does anyone think that'll matter?
  4. I wonder if they meant they don't have them in stock? I spoke to a random one day who told me it took about 10 phone calls and 2 months to get his. Also maybe we should tell them what N/A® just said above??? They might find they have them afterall. I was pretty much sold on Bilsteins until I heard about the KYB ones cos they adjustable.
  5. I've been told that Bilstein make good ones for us, can be hard to source though cos they are slack. also just heard that kyb make some adjustable ones that fit and are good. Alistair at powerplay told me about them so I can only assume he can get them. i think they might be quite a new product for them.
  6. Well I wasn't here back then and surely I'm a big enough wanker to make up for about ten of "them"? Hasn't skylinesnsw taken a few people? I had a look there for a bit it just seemed to be full of (insert your own adjective here).
  7. My mate swore he saw me near the Randwick racecourse two mornings ago but I was at work so it wasn't me. Surely there can't be TWO white 4door R34's in the area??? In fact, how many white 4door R34's are there in Aus???
  8. Speaking as someone with no idea; this one sounds good. Anyone else think so?
  9. Yeah looks good mate. what size tyres did you put on them? Have you noticed the ride being harsher yet?
  10. You have been a busy boy What front/dump did you get and how much did it cost? I haven't done that yet. Whoops, bit off topic. Sorry. I'm trying to procure as much info as possible out of GTT owners to help myself as well as the next people through the door. It would be so much easier, information wise, to own a 33.
  11. Can I ask Adz, why you are doing it? It's just that a few people have told me that I don't need to do it with a 34 so early in the modding cycle (if such a term exists!). What have you done to it so far? I remember when you got it I think, so I'm guessing we are at a similar point unless you had some stuff already done when you got it.
  12. http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/sh...?t=29195&page=4 I took some pics of it the other week.
  13. All the bloody time, I drive down the coastd a bit and always get it. That's one reason why I drive a skyline although even that can't help you sometimes.
  14. It's a business dude, not a charity.
  15. As different as they are, I was tossing up between the two as well. I was comparing the S15 new though. I have to say the interior did it for me. The S15 just seems so plasticky and cheap by comparison. Also the practicality as mentioned above. Hey maybe the S15 is quicker... I couldn't give a **** cos my GTT goes ****ing fast and as long as I'm in the ballpark I don't care. Speed is rarely the deciding factor, it's what puts a car in your sights. That said I think rexies are damn ugly so I can only think that speed is what attracts people to them.
  16. I'd be keen to hear how you go 666DAN. Are you more interested in 400, track or street with a bit of fun here and there?
  17. Yup, awesome!
  18. Yeah just two nur's I think but they wouldn't be in the hands of the public.
  19. Four youths from Canberra, Australia pulled off a trick of breathtaking bravado in order to gain revenge on a mobile speed camera van operating in the area. Three of the group approached the van and distracted the operator's attention by asking a series of questions about how the equipment Worked and how many cars the operator could catch in a day. Meanwhile, the fourth musketeer sneaked to the front of the van and Unscrewed its numberplate. After bidding the van operator goodbye,the friends Returned home, fixed the number plate to their car and drove through the camera's Radar at high speed - 17 times. As a result, the automated billing system issued 17 speeding tickets to itself. Go Aussies!!
  20. Franks, You're right. MIC33R, They are factory options as far as I know. There was a link somewhere in that sedan thread from about a week ago with my front bar and wing but I'm assuming the skirts etc were from the same place, ie; the nissan factory! Clearance is fine, I'm about to lower it an inch with Bilsteins. I'll post when I do stuff to it.
  21. Yeah I didn't realise that I'd done that until my battery went flat. Might get some tomorrow but to be honest the front is the same as everyone elses. My sides and rear are different though so I could claim that that was my point ... Oh and I just realised the front is in my avatar
  22. Honestly no offence intended, but if that's what you're referring to then you were in pre school when they were last relevant.
  23. It took me sofa king long to polish thef uckin thing that the sun had gone down when I was done.
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