I think I know what you're on about Loz, I got pulled over and they just started firing questions at me. I answered a few then I said, "What's going on? Why did you pull me over?" to which the reply was, "Pull your ****in head in boxhead. This is a random breath test. You ever heard of one of those?" It was at this point that the other cop standing behind him pulls a breath tester from behind his back.
One of my best mates is a copper and even he admits that at least 60% of them are wankers. Thing is though, that's not 100% and us being smart arses to the good ones is likely to turn them into arseholes if they cop enough of it.
What would you do if every customer/client/whatever gave you shit just for doing your job?
My theory is that my next root could be related to the next person I bump into so I'd better be nice. Has positive side effects this one.