aye guys this is goin to sound weird but nyways, well Im 17 18 in Apr and well im really inlove with skylines, im goin tog et one next yr, but wat i was goin to ask which is really weird but i dun espect nythin out of the ordinary is that for soemone to take me for a ride in one, ive neva bene in one but everytime i see one im just dribble and think maybe i culd have one next yr, so if nyones goin out spinning for a meeting or so and want someone to take, ill gladly come, i dunt espect nyone to agree to this becose this is kinda out of left feild but nyways if u want to keep it in mind and PM me if you would liek to do this, but as i said its a bit random but nyways, thats how i feel,
so thanks for reading and undertanding,