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stig mick

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Everything posted by stig mick

  1. Can I make an oil catch can by using a straw and a can of coke or will cops defect me?
  2. Bahahahaha seriously?! For being irritating? I was gonna have a dig at him in the last thread he made but as I'm only new here. I thought it might land me in hot water, but now I know everyone else feels the same I wish I had Personally I just dont like him cause he's doing a good job of continuing the stereotype of all skyline drivers are street racers
  3. I recently picked up a stock R32 intercooler very cheap it has a few bent fins and a dent on the front but no leaks I was going to install it on my R32 gtst basically to make it look a little more stock and not so obvious that the car has been modified so cops may not give me as much s##t for it I was speaking to my mechanic who does all my work quite cheap He recommended I buy an aftermarket cooler kit as it's going to be more expensive to install as the piping is harder to fit and he'll need to get a hold of some brackets for me Has anyone else installed a stock GTR intercooler on a gtst? Was it really that hard? Cheers
  4. I think he's talking about the steering wheel
  5. Not sure if this helps but I just bought a good comdition gtst wheel for my late 92 gtst hicks is unaffected and the wheel has the 3 plastic spokes on the back
  6. I think those badges are worse than the fake GTRs
  7. Did it have an N1 bullbar? And Nismo specail patrol only addition mudflaps? If not It wasn't a genuine GTR just some try hard
  8. I just read the article it's says he didn't want a GTR he wanted a gts-t. Is this guy for real?
  9. I've got that issue right in front of me Number 1 it's ugly anyway Number 2 for all the money spent to get 400rwkw he could have bought an r33 GTR What a waste I'm about to spend 2500 on my gtst to get around 220rwkws but after all the money I've spent 7000 for the car 1200 on 100km service and new clutch and 2500 on the performance upgrade I still couldn't have bought a GTR so I think money well spend Ill stopt after this and enjoy the car for a few years save up and then sell it to buy a GTR
  10. I wish I took a picture it has to be far the worst looking car I've seen full stop Also what I don't get is the money spent or cars like this they could have bought atleast a gts and been closer to there dream car
  11. I s##t you not I saw a late model pulsar on Sunday 2004 or something with a drift wing $400 worth of racing stickers and a GTR badge on the front grill if I wasn't driving I would have taken a picture it looked ridiculas. And trust me this was done by a try hard by yhe look of it I can assure you it would have had nothing more than a POD filter and exhaust as far as the engine goes
  12. Every morning on the way to work I see atleast one (always different) white vans blowing blacksmoke like it's going out of fashion the one i saw today the smokewas so thick it was 200m or so do the road and the smoke still hadn't dispersed from the spot which it pulled away from. Oh yeah excell drivers seem to have zero interest in maintaining their cars either every second one is blowing smoke or dropping heaps of coolant
  13. Hey mate. I wouldn't wantto bad mouth your friends car as I haven't seen or driven i but 180000km for $8k seems pretty steep evemore so cause it's auto. I paid 9000 for mine last year from a dealer I got them down from $11 mainly cause they weren't open weekends so noone even got a chance to see the car and all it needed was new brake pads and the disks machined and it was manual with only 87000 kms on the odometer so if I were you I'd go no higher than $7 and only if your sure that it's been regularly serviced if it has it's probably a better option than one with less kms as skylines are realiable it's just that some owners aren't as long as you keep up regular service they can survive well over 200000kms hope this helps Also is it still on the original turbo? Even If it hasn't been thrashed it might be on the way out soon
  14. Last chance rims end on eBay in 9hrs I'll take $ 400 no offers FREE muffler for anyone who wants to pick it up
  15. I will swap the muffler for a 4 pack of Jack Daniels and coke any takers?
  16. I know they run out at around 6000rpm I would never hit the rev limiter in another gear apart from taking of in first atleast not on the street
  17. Make me an offer for the muffler it's not worth throwing out.
  18. if i decided to be anal and replace and buy an APEXI RSM rev speed metre will it read correctly?
  19. yeah i guess that is a bit of a contradition, but then again reving the tits of a cold car every morning would do alot more damage than 1st gear launch every week or 2 right? if the limiter kicks in at 8000 but the redline is 7500 due to the incorrect tacho is it likely that idling speed states 950 its actually closer to 500? isn't that a bit low?
  20. $50 for the muffler this things sitting on the living room floor and if it sits there much longer i'm going to end up in the dog house
  21. Thanks dude nah no R badge here I laugh at people who have stuck them on what clearly is a GTS it's just wrong. When my car has one on it it will be cause it's actually a GTR... One day
  22. Want a really cheap siliva turbo manual or auto Or non turbo must be manual PM me what you've got Cheers
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