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Everything posted by k_d

  1. In all fairness, the servos just distribute the fuel they are supplied with, so sometimes it may not be their fault. I have some very interesting "diesel" samples at work, a few of which turn into the jelly when really cold!!!
  2. Bp or united seem to have more consistancy than others. Had bad experiences with caltex and shell. Yeah trozzle i agree. Dsg is pretty good
  3. Lol Drove my car to the shop and back, still have issues with boost spike, so going to order a bigger gate during the week. Love the smell of e85!!!
  4. Yes and no. 6speeds are better than the 7 speeds. They do have the odd drama. Usually stems from software issues
  5. Have driven many the golf r (i work at vw). Definately a fun car, especially with a tune/exhaust/intake. Stil couldnt decide if i would want a manual or auto if i was to get one, both very enjoyable.
  6. Chasing gts4 front and rear diff gears/pinions. Will buy complete diffs if i have to
  7. Mmmm yum. Loved my vc, 202 power!!!!!
  8. This is true ^ I priced building a box. Just in parts the cost scared me lol. Least i can do it myself if i was that way inclined. Either way, no cheap way around it. Id be guessing 2k to source and fit replacement box with new fluids. Probably 5k or so to rebuild as standard and then well into 5 figures for an upgraded one. (All guesswork on prices)
  9. Cheaper to buy another box lol
  10. Quick pic of dump pipe. Clearance issues everywhere, hence the funny shape
  11. Im basically north cooma lol. Royalla. Funny thing is it takes me less time to get to work from here than it did from nicholls haha. Finished dump pipe. Should sound awesome. Debating about making a side pipe with the leftover material.... or maybe another catback
  12. Wow, amazing job Mik!!!
  13. Its ok its not qbn Im only just over the border anyway haha. Been to busy to come to the meets lately but ill try come in the next few weeks
  14. Rta say no haha. I do live in nsw now though so i should register it in nsw May come back soon for a bit
  15. Ran power steering cooler, replaced front upper control arms and welded most of my new stainless dump up. Need more filler rods and gas tomorrow. Slowly getting better at tig welding... big change from mig
  16. Spotted a white stag (possibly ben?) On athlon drive near red rooster. Was in my filthy gtr
  17. Finally gave my daily some love by removing the engine lol. Cleanup to follow
  18. Anyone have some r32 rear hubs and lcas they want to part with?
  19. Keen to sell the r32 one Nick? Im sure Anthony would have 1st dibs tho haha
  20. Have had mine done a few times now, get easier the more you do them I dont understand why they keep breaking though, stupid things
  21. Im here, on my own lol. Not sure if prople are coming here or the anu carpark
  22. May do the 26th, depends if car broken etc etc lol
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