Yeah I had imagined that they would be happy to do it, however a few people have pmd me and said they would prefer ESP (for what reason i dont know/care, its nothing to do with me and none of my business!). Im not fussed personally but i think there would be more people turning up if it was at esp. If someone is unhappy with this they are more than welcome to dicuss their own dyno day/time with whoever they want, however the one that Kat and myself are organizing will be held at ESP and i will confirm a date on saturday.
Sorry if am coming across as a dickhead, i just want people to understand that we are trying to keep the majority happy and getting as many people as possible to turn up.
If your at ultimate tunes tomorrow arvo ill be there (its between where i work and park so i dont have a choice lol!), feel free to discuss it with me then