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Everything posted by two40

  1. as far as i remember it worked out to a dollar a day. i remember seeing that advertised but i'm not sure if it was quicktrack or another one.
  2. one of my mates used to race bikes since he was like 7. he took me for a thrash one day and i fell in love with it. unfarkingbeliavable feeling. always wanted to get my license and i nearly put down a deposit on a cbr250 about a year ago but the danger of it has always put me off. it's not that they are that dangerous when driven sensibly. it's knowing myself that's the dangerous part. no way would i be able to hold myself back so i've decided to put it off untill i can be more sensible. might end up with a hog in my midlife crisis or something:lol:
  3. just take a wheel off and check pads. better safe than sorry. it's weird that it does it only when driving slowly.
  4. i thought they weighed some ridiculous amount. very nice looking car
  5. it'll be a while before i have to change em so i'll look into it when i have to
  6. i found out today that i am missing my shims but they squeek anyway cause of the endless compound. next time i change my pads i will put in shims and change the fronts to bendix ultimates to see if i can fix the squeek
  7. cheers. my ones are still fairly new but since i'm missing one i've had to buy a new set. i bought bendix ultimates cause i couldn't find endless on time. do yours squeek heaps bad?
  8. sure you're welcome to come. umm, have we decided where we are meeting?
  9. :run: i think you might get your wish. we'll see tomorrow
  10. yeah, i'm the one that woke you up. ha ha, sorry
  11. no idea about the plate. hey, you tried and that's all that counts. cheers i'm going to attempt to change the pads myself tonight. good luck to me
  12. was driving her hard and the inside rear left brake pad just fell off. the clips holding the pins were gone as was one of the pins. lost all brakes for about five seconds which was pretty scary out on the old road.
  13. neh, not many of you showed up. i was dissapointed after the response it got. as the thread above says, please do not say you are going if you are unsure. this way we don't have to wait for those that aren't gonna show up. it was a good day despite all that happened anyway
  14. all sorted nick. they clamped my brake line dissabling the rear left brake. pretty smart if you ask me cause we couldn't find the right brake pads. drove her home slowly. just found pins, clips and bendix ultimates at just jap. should be back on the road this afternoon. phew:)
  15. the pins had retaining clips. key word being had. i only lost one pin, the other one was just loose. the brakes weren't touched during last repair. just trying to locate a pin, clips and a couple of pads today
  16. the club will be officially up and running in a couple of weeks barring any complications like the department of fair trading taking it's time. as soon as we have solid info we will make it known. so far even we don't know all the details so please bare with us
  17. not a bad idea. especially since there's been so many thefts of late. who else wants a security topic? just looking at sdu, their security section isn't exactly booming. we could possibly use the general for security talk. *shrugs*
  18. didn't see it but i'd say one piece. one of the pins fell off as well so i gotta find that too. i just heard a clank noise before my brakes failed. we pulled over a short while after for no reason and when i tried to take off the piston was rubbing on the disk so we took the wheel off for a look. the bottom pin was missing along with the inside pad and the top pin just came off. i thought i was going to have to sleep in my car tonight in the middle of nowhere. lucky i had help from ppl that knew what they were doing.
  19. don't quote me but i have heard they are illegal what about the 200sx. doesn't that have em stock?
  20. most of them are thrashed whether they have mods or not. i got my car with heaps of mods and saved a stack. i've seen ppl buy stock cars for the same price that i got mine and they are even older cars in some instances. put it this way, after buying my car i wouldn't have $15k to spend on mods so i'm gratefull the previous owner spent that amount. who cares if they are slightly used, you save more than enough to pay for your insurance for a few years.
  21. what duncan said. no posting of shonky dealers please. having a list of parts and dealers that cater for the sakyline is a great idea though. i coulda used it today but that's another story.
  22. How can a brake pad just fall off while driving? It happened to me earlier today on the old road. Anyway, I need new pads now. Where are the endless ones sold and what other pads fit a 33T? Part numbers would be great if you have them. Cheers
  23. i think i spoke too soon. was on the old road today and one of my pads fell off! this doesn't take anything away from the performance though
  24. well i just got back and what a day. everything was going sweet up untill the point when one of my rear brake pads decided to fall off. yep that's right. just fell of as i was driving. thank god i wasn't going fast at the point when i had no brakes for a few seconds. a big thanks to everyone that helped me get my car back home safely. to those that were there and those that copped a phone call from me. you know who you are! in the end the resident mechanics clipped my break line disabling the rear left brakes all together. all up a $9.15 fix when i could have been up for $250 if i had to join nrma.
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