Finally after 4 and a half months my car is where it belongs. A bit worse for wear though.
The repair shop apparently couldn't be fu**ed to turn a key and then turn it again ten minutes later like I asked them to so the battery had drained. The computer seems to have reset itself along with the electronic boost controller which is beeping like a bi**h everytime boost comes on.
Back home again and this is where it all came unstuck. Reving it past 3K was impossible. It'd start backfiring and blowing black smoke like it was the Sydney bushfire all over again. I nearly choked on the petrol fumes. Mind you the petrol in her is over four months old so that can't be helping the situation.
Atm it's undrivable so I have to get her towed and tuned. I will demand they pay for this expense as it was their incompetance that got it to this state.
A couple of questions if you're still reading... Does the PFC reset if the battery drains and does it retune (learn) itself or do I have to tune it all over again? How does the petrol's age affect it? What is causing the huge amounts of black smoke that could choke an elephant?
Final word of thought, be careful and insist on idiots like the ones that fixed (???) my car, to turn it on every week and replace your petrol before you drive it.