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Everything posted by JAS-25T

  1. Clearly
  2. Then who pays to maintain the registration system? I know krudd wasted all his left overs (and the next generations) on saving us from recession, aka handouts.
  3. Thats a piss weak argument considering bikes would need centuries of use on a road to do the damage cars would do in a day. After all, registration costs are to maintain the roads in a user pays system, and I dont see any space in current cities (sydney) for a dedicated user pays cyclist lane, so you can't really introduce new infrastructure for them
  4. no where unfortunately.
  5. Im going to die no training what so ever
  6. how many cars?
  7. Thats my exact size........and keen on some, will let you know asap
  8. We're at the $2000 mark!
  9. Here are the people you'd want to talk to about it. I dare say you would get a response if it was worded correctly and was to the point. The Hon. David Campbell, MP Minister for Transport The Hon. Joseph Tripodi, BEc(Hons) MP Minister for Infrastructure Or go straight to the top The Hon. Nathan Rees M.P. Premier These people are your representatives (also seek help of your local reps) to the RTA and other involved parties when it comes to roads.
  10. Hopefully watch a replay of this race
  11. wont be going have fun
  12. Thanks Nick!!!!! very generous!
  13. Training hasn't been going well.......this year is going to hurt. Still struggling with an ankle injury. We've raised $1300 now
  14. BEST. KNOB. EVAR. fuck Tony and his knob handling, he just can't get enough
  15. Genuine power house, good luck with the sale Anna
  16. Then....... SEEK LEGAL ADVICE
  17. She will have to stay on her p's for the difference in days between the incident and 10.10.09 (the day she can go for full licence)
  18. Yeah if you "lose your licence".......when you get it back (3,6 months, 1,2 years etc) you get all demerit points canceled.
  19. Just heard about the accident with the go karts. A kid stacked it and split his cheek, knocked out from the impact. His helmet was full of blood and when his father came to see how he was, passed out from seeing the blood and injured himself also. Both were transported to hospital. Not sure of condition of either since then.
  20. I'm a little confused but i think you're asking if you can stretch it out to get your ponts back before you get the next demerit points, or able to go for your full licence? Some points to remember. - Demerit points stay on your licence for 3yrs before they go back. - You wont be able to go for your fulls untill any fines are paid/settled. not sure if that answers your question. Again, I suggest you seek legal advice.
  21. i missed it
  22. I might be going..........not sure yet. let you know
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