The questions you posed are all one answer questions#. I am sure there is a list of things you are covered for, but you seem to see ANDRA as the enemy with your reference to Nazi's. How about you actually attempt to contact them instead of knocking them? Going off your above post you haven't even done so.
#Well all barring this one which is really a matter of opinion, as the "value" of any thing always is.
Again I disagree. Also, your speculation about how they came to the decision of 11 being the limit for a licence acheives nothing.
In all reality lets look at this from a common sense perspective.
To run 10's you need to be doing what? 120+mph? (my rough guess - happy to be changed)
At around 200km/h I would (as I would also hope any other sane person would) want to be as safe as possible, therefore racing at the safest possible track - new car or old. Additionally, one would assume that some form of personal protection cover would be offered.
I think it is more than reasonable to be paying whatever is required to get the highest quality of safety along with all the other benifits outlined previously.
Can any of you put a value on your life? If any of you suggest lower than what it costs to get a licence + build a racecar............I feel for your family.