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Everything posted by JAS-25T

  1. lmao - piss poor effort eddeh. but good to see TGIF threads coming back to life! Long weekend for everyone except you westy's (ztuned) ahahhaha
  2. Yeah mate, if they have one let me know I can swing past and maybe help you out by holding on to it for after hours or something? good luck.
  3. Hey mate - It may be worthwhile calling bezerkly - they mod heaps of skylines and may have a spare ecu hanging around. tell them Jase sent you.
  4. Time to get that lady that did a 10min lap in the transit van off top gear into a GTR me thinks!
  5. Hi Security, I think you will find that with 75% of the guys in the club, they do their work on their own, to the best of their ability. When they know they are in too deep thats when they move it over to a workshop to get done. I was one of them. They also have a lot of daily drivers that attend these days, I was also one of these. When you are out on the track, you are encouraged not to go too hard on your first go, but to ease into it. Especially with the driver experience of the senior members. The whole feel of the day is about having fun and learning. Getting faster during the day is a bonus Also, being a club member for over 4yrs now I have seen very few cars go pop in that time. Usually when it does happen it is one of three things. 1 - the motor was destined to die anyway, even street driving would have caused it. 2 - the driver was mistaking their ability for their ambitions and thrashing the hell out of the car. 3 - it was a rotory ahhahahaha We encourage everyone to drive within their limits, and teach new "ambitious" drivers to slow down and learn how to drive the right way before they get over excited and do something dangerous to the car, or others out on the track. No one wants to lose 1hr of track time to clean up oil from a busted motor. I'm in no way trying to convince or manipulate you into coming, just making sure we are clear on what the club offers on its track days as opposed to a regular "no limit" wakefield day.
  6. Yeah, usually on your first go, you will turn to hard on the front tyres, understeering on them. Also the fact that the track goes in a clockwise direction will generally wear the left hand side more than the right.
  7. You will probably go through front tyres too Zane so it might be worth changing the fronts too.
  8. Not true. And I am sure you are talking about the series 1.5 front bar.
  9. You will also get the experience of some great drivers who have raced in hundreds of real racing events. You can't even put a price on that.
  10. So to sum up. What does a R33 GTS-t cost to run? It depends on the following variables. Fuel price, Insurance costs, Registration costs, Maintenance costs. Since you can't see into the future, but can have an educated guess, fuel costs are going to be higher than the capri as are maintenance costs being an import. Although you can't account for items that may fail and require replacement. These must be factored into owning any type of second hand car though. As for Insurance costs, only you can find this out by calling insurance agents up and asking. Same goes for rego as it is specific to where you live. /end thread.
  11. More spot on, and true to bevans form, is that if you tint the rear lights, and you have an accident where you are hit from the rear (not your fault) it will become your fault for not having lights working to the ADR's.
  12. I'd also be concerned about using perspex. it tends to shatter on impact as opposed to lexan.
  13. ahahahah if you want to learn how to be dodgy - go see Duncan, Chris lmao
  14. lol more questions. What use are bigger wheels. Anything past 17's are harder to get racing tyres for, and also unless you are putting big fark off brakes they get heavier and dont give any advantage.
  15. Is this going to be ready for the first superlap?
  16. What sort of times in the wet Neil? Also was it the GP track?
  17. Finally started on it hey? has Mark bought a new car for targa yet? hehehehe
  18. Looks like the veedub wont be run in, in time for this, I should be there though, teh drive down to wakie should add a few kms.
  19. Generally all diesels have more torque than their petrol equivalent, it's inherent to it's design.
  20. Craig, You might as well have said: "who knows if you wont be dead tomorrow, so why do anything." Nick I wouldn't worry too much, just educate yourself about it, and make an informed decision......
  21. Does the lightened flywheels also mean uphills you don't keen as much momentum?
  22. The use of LPG on diesel cars is not the same as on Petrol cars. In petrol cars it's used as replacement fuel In diesel cars it is an additive to the fuel. You should read some more about it before going ahead as it is two different applications with varying results. Personally I have heard good things about LPG being used on diesel, in the way of fuel economy and power increases. Linkage to info about it
  23. What material is it made from? paper? cotton? steel? If you want to keep the pod - get one that is paper or cotton - that will quiten it down. else fit the stock air box up with a paper or highflow panel filter.
  24. ken oath it is. By the way - I have a blanking plate - I might look into mass producing it and selling online. "The JAS-25T TUTUTUTU Plate." TM TM of JAS-25T corp.
  25. yeah bro - fully.
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