So I'm guessing from that, you've been running around on the base tune? I hope you haven't been going on boost.
Try jez (dvsjez) on the central coast for a tune and get the motor checked out while your there.
10-15mins...yeah i would've took it to a mechanic or started fiddling with parts the first time it happened.
Not sure if the starter is the problems (sounds like it though), but If the starter on the 25 is in the same location as the 26's, you may need to invest in some 12mm hook spanners. Two 12mm bolts, i found them easier to reach from under the car.
wreckers is probarly the best bet for a cheap replacement.
If its a r33 gtst 280MR - it's pretty rare, only a handful made (7 or less according to google)
Came with a 2.8L REINIK modifiied engine. Someone who's more familar with car might be able to go into more detail
Some pics of the build plate and car to confirm would be useful
Being difficult to annoy people is one of my goals in life.
Not to sure - should be fully tuned by then. I'll find out more next week.
I definatly can't make the 8/9, but you guys don't have to work around me. I'll prob be saying come for an impromtue cruise as soon the cars running anyway.
Well, after finally catching my afore mentioned cat, i gutted it and installed on my car.
Performance did not noticably improve, However, everytime i gave the throttle a squirt, i could smell korean BBQ.
Couldn't find the thread that detailed the custom diffuser (pretty sure it was for a big $$$ build on SAU too )
but the uk cars deffinatly had a transmission and a diff cooler mounted under the the diffuser. If you have a copy of the skyline story, you can see em when they put the uk car on the hoist.
I did note that the standard r34 diffuser has a duct to cool the rear diff...didn't really think of it till i saw a it wouldn't be that difficult to duplicate on a custom one to feed air to an oil cooler.
just of note aswell, one of the additional features listed about the Z-tune is "Z-Tune Dry Carbon Diffuser with 2.2 times more downforce than normal GTR ". Not sure if this is refering to the front diffuser, as i couldn't find any clear pics of a confirmed Z-tune that had a rear diffuser.
The uk delivered cars definatly had additional coolers at the rear. I'm unsure if these were the same as the ones fitted to the the Z-tune (doubt it)
I'll have a search after i finsih work and see what i come up with regarding the diffuser
i think it really comes down what your block looks like - if you bores are fine, keep the stock pistons - just replace the rings etc. But if you got scarring and sh*t on the bore, then you may want consider a bore out to 86.5mm which will mean A/m pistons.
You've mentioned you want to keep it reliable - although it may cost a bit more, doing a little extra then what your've got listed should give you a fairly bullet proof engine.
are you pulling the engine out before you sent it to the shop or are you getting the workshop to do everything?