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Everything posted by owned

  1. yep.... guess neil and glenn wont get charged for the dinner this thursday night...
  2. kewls... well i guess we can start when i get the oils and stuff.... anyone need any cos im going to buy bulk..... cheap cheap
  3. omfg that wheelstand that ute pulls is crazy..... ahahahha :burnout:
  4. aight i get a jack.. what kind am i looking for???
  5. well what can we do to fix the problem glenn.... bits of wood to provide leverage.... i dont know man... im a noob.... help?? :Owned:
  6. yeh i was thinking thursday night if we arent cruising
  7. yeh was quite wrong....
  8. mmmm dont know wether u got the post that strutto or someone put up about what happens when u introduce ur finger to a compressor blade
  9. take note, i wish to LEARN..... geeez...... give me a little credit for wanting to learn things...
  10. glenn: when are u available to work on my car??? i'll pretty much have everything on thursday.... book me a time for ur workshop
  11. neil.... u funny gai... :(
  12. woohooo.... mah page
  13. na i want to learn how to go fast circuit racing.... would be heaps fun
  14. yeh i'd love to get to a skidpan..... my name is down for the lmvs watever its called skidpan
  15. she getting it back thursday..... mmmm ...... titanuim....... *droolz*
  16. mmmm new tyres and stuff.... *droolz*mmmmmmmm Public holiday pay..... *homer style droolz*.....
  17. lol... meh na... who says na cant make power... look at them crazy nsx engines.... 300kW and above... mmmmm droolllz
  18. i've got money says glenn to win ..... odds, glenn 2.00, chaos 20.00
  19. awwww thanks sam *blushes*
  20. hi glenn
  21. my car = :Bang:
  22. hi all whores
  23. kk glenn if ur that pissed i wont say nuffin then...
  24. sorry glenn, my money tree started dieing cos its autumn, leaves fall off and it looks dead....
  25. glenn: didnt go... waiting for this thursday when i get paid so i can get my tyres and everything
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