Why is it when Jeremy posts something I always feel like face palming my head against a wall after reading it.
I think going to the gym for 6 months has given him confidence. But that can be shattered easily. Dezz. Feel like breaking arms and legs? Lol
Lol got some trolls of my Facebook. A 19 year old. Off the street got a job and tries to tell us he is getting 6 figures for an assisstant manager role at a paint shop LOL
I got my greddy cam gear for like $260 (brand new) so not that crazy.
Also for the record my brother and mate both run the bc coilovers. Non have had problems yet. Been almost 2 years
Jeremy I can guarantee you have never driven your car hard enough to oversteer/understeer lol
A lambo and a Ferrari will understeer and oversteer. I don't think Toyota put more r&d into a little supercar mockup 15 years ago then lambo and Ferrari do right now