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Everything posted by krzysiu

  1. Why is it when Jeremy posts something I always feel like face palming my head against a wall after reading it. I think going to the gym for 6 months has given him confidence. But that can be shattered easily. Dezz. Feel like breaking arms and legs? Lol
  2. All broken?
  3. Anyone who spends 2k on a head unit even if it's rrp is 3k is a muppet. Unless you buy it to make a profit
  4. Lol got some trolls of my Facebook. A 19 year old. Off the street got a job and tries to tell us he is getting 6 figures for an assisstant manager role at a paint shop LOL
  5. I thinks that discussion is over mr Birdseye lol
  6. Hmmm forgot about that ey. I can come since it's on wed tho. Hmmmmmmmmm
  7. Haha I love your wheels. You're probably after a nice figure too tho
  8. It's easy. Hardest part is pushing the pistons back. Nothing a set of crowbars can't fix
  9. Woot. Coils, sways and hicas lock goin in tomorrow. Can't wait
  10. I got my greddy cam gear for like $260 (brand new) so not that crazy. Also for the record my brother and mate both run the bc coilovers. Non have had problems yet. Been almost 2 years
  11. Thought they all came with a dental dam?
  12. What a penis lover
  13. Hahaha wow a 100kg fatty can fit in an mr2. Should bring many lols. Like a clown car
  14. Greddy ftw
  15. This man knows what he is talking about Dunno Jeremy. But you might fit in more at the hairdressers forum aka mr2 forum
  16. If I got a bike I would die. Hayabusa turbo mmm
  17. Mohsen. f**king Josh takes 12 years to get ready. Call him. Say man I'll be there In 10. I'll he waiting an hour for the guy haha
  18. Ashs car has that racepace exhaust that's quiet if I remember correctly
  19. Jeremy I can guarantee you have never driven your car hard enough to oversteer/understeer lol A lambo and a Ferrari will understeer and oversteer. I don't think Toyota put more r&d into a little supercar mockup 15 years ago then lambo and Ferrari do right now
  20. Lol ash you show off spamming this everywhere haha. Looks good
  21. This is why I loled at his post
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