2 cents time!
***DISCLAIMER - I have read, digested, appreciated and am understanding of the espoused views around more track days***
1) I personally want to see more track days with timing as I find myself looking to Circuit Club and NSCC and whoever else looking for accessible days. SAU days seem to run the smoothest with safety a primary concern. To this end I would entertain paying a higher yearly membership which would (a) go towards subsidising 1 or more of my track days that I attend or (b) be waived by me/spent by the club to run days without losing (as much) money if I am unable to attend.
2) I would love to see and be invited to contribute (time and/or $$$) to "SAU NSW builds a Texi Car" - pick a target budget under say $5000 and invite a capped number of members to contribute time and/or $$$ to building a Texi car that can be used by those members at Texi (or even track?) days. For example, if I pitch in $500 to buy and/or maintain the car, I along with say 5 others get first right of refusal to have a bunch of runs in it at a Texi. This Car would also be a platform for certain Tech nights (which I'm also keen to attend). Ownership of the car vests in the club and it could even be 'hired' by others on the day and used as a promotional tool - "come along to one of our Texi days, have a bash in our SR20 120Y datto and tell your friends". I'd hope certain sponsors would come to the party for e.g. tyres, turbos, tuning and suspension.
Whoa...that was like a Will Ferrell moment in Old School.