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  1. Very sorry to hear the loss of a great human. Neil was great and I have always loved his honesty and how he called it how it was. We kept in touch through the years and shared similar interests with my other hobbies. I loved how he brought a radical and did what he wanted with it and got a lot of enjoyment out of it. I was there at the first superlap as many of us and hope to be there at that event always. He will be missed and I pass on my condolences to his family and close friends. he was a good egg *hugs*
  2. Beable knows the roads so well and his car! Does Beable do any other motorsport besides Targa Tas once a year? Going excellent Ben! Keep up the good work and stay safe! So cool to see you in 2nd place under Pritchard..Keep those Porsches on there toes
  3. Looking Good Ben! Good Luck at Targa Next week! Hope you get a Plate! Wish I was there but the Evo 6 is still not fixed. Would of been a good year for Spada & me too in early modern as there seem not as many contenders going this year
  4. Hmm seems some of my editors are making an apperance to the event which is fantastic to see!!! Im still umm and arrhhing about going....But will more than likely see you guys there with a few mates
  5. I wish I could spend the time to do recce...I guess its my own fault aswell...But no driver I have sat next to so far as been in the "main game" so to speak and that serious...So I fly in Nav and Fly out again... I would love to learn to write my own notes and get that much time off but with my motorsport schedule time off is limited from work as I do so many other events... Ok will stop being a princess and suck it up... Just would like more frequent events through out the year to stay ontop of the nerves.... Just venting its been awhile..LOL I am excited tho love MT Buller area its so lush and adventerous!!!!
  6. Its been so long since I have been in a seat Havent been on that side since May Do you find it takes a bit to get into the groove?? Im probably just being paronoid but have always been a bit of a stresser and being in another new seat can be a bit overwhelming at first just getting up to speed with the new driver I guess... Im probably just being weird like usual LOL
  7. starting to get a bit nervous about THC... Any other Navs feel this way?
  8. Car looks hot on the track Luke!!! Spewn I couldn't come down for this!! So did it all go well?? days ran smoothly??
  9. Ohhhh Im sure you will be addict to them after you been in it...The sequential box does it for me There like a gokart on steroids and my mate was quite surprised at how well I did in it But my arms were so sore after as they are so powerful it takes a bit to hold it (I do have girly arms tho) I'm sure that wont be a problem for you!!! Who you been speaking with? Yep I got to drive a SR3...My mate Frickers and he just sold it 3 weeks ago and I was so upset to hear that it got written off in it's first race meeting with the new owner! :( Pfft dont worry about embarrassing yourself lap it up and have fun! There so awesome you will forget to be nervous after the first lap Sorry Brisby wont hijack your thread anymore!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. Have you!!! Your going to have the time of your life! NICE WORK!!!! :woot: They are one of the most awesomeness machines on the planet and I am very privilage to have driven one myself and also received hot laps from the mighty Garth Walden! OMG I hope you get incar and pics and post them up wanna see which one you drive as I visit Radical at EC regulary
  11. Great Write up Brisby!! Thanks for sharing
  12. I so wish I was coming home for this but clash of motorsport dates kills me every time I'm needed at Shannon's Nationals instead!! Hope there are loads of pics!!!!!
  13. Wow..It sounds sooo good on full noise!
  14. Some nice power outputs there Maz!!! Glad to see the day was a success OMG HI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  15. Oh cool...I know Paul and Jose very well!! Make sure you say Hi to me next time all I will just go up to everyone and ask "Are you Jetwreck???" LOL
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