Awwww I was wondering were you were
Thats cool have to be at the next one!
Thanks for coming down slide Made my day seeing you *hugs* Your a STAR!
Thats cool but have to be at the next one!!
Thanks for everyone that came *big hugs* I had the best night and was so drunk by the end of the night It was so much fun my body is hurting all over ...I was feeling very average Sunday but it was so worth it!!!!
Massive hugs to my mate Shaun that came from Adelaide was awesome seeing you thanks so much for making the trip up!!!!
Thanks Babe!
Hope Amy had a great time at her birthday party I know I did
Thanks to everyone that came!!!!
Was so much fun
And YAY!!!to not that many ghey pics of me yet!!!
Yeah I have seen this happen a few times....
Most of the time they are not concentrating on what they are doing as away with the fairy's
Im glad she didnt hit your car but there are people like this out there and thats why being a defensive driver is the best way.
Lol Pauly goes off!!! Can you get video next time! Now would love to see that
Schweeps sponsor FTW!! Great meeting you...really nice car and hope to see you again soon.. Say Hi to your mate for me hope his mitzy is well lol....Keep launching hard!
Im having trouble changing personal photos I have resized to a sutiable size but still wont come up with the new photo?
It goes thru the motions normally but at the end doesnt change the photo.
Just wanted to let you know
Whats the status on member, donation, exec bars??
I havent got any at the moment
Great job by the way I know your busy just wondering when they will be back
Thanks Jess
Touche lol
But I go with what the majority of peeps want and thats who turns up these days
Next months dinner will be out West and on a Thursady night :sorcerer: