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Everything posted by Sinful

  1. you know we still wuv u slides (((ANDREW )))
  2. Hey!!!! Why didnt you come to the dinner?? I think its about time you came to one Targic and DIF were are the pics already????? Such an awesome night!!! Thanks for everyone that came made the night so much fun P.s Im so tired lol cant wait to do it again Jess
  3. oh by the way slider slim david and well most of the guys where enjoying a bit of rimming . as the pics indicate with dave and slim (((ANDREW))) i tried and failed
  4. well i am so sleepy but great night the stripers sucked and not in that way well here are the pics and then i am going back to sleep night
  5. lol you didnt drink that much
  6. awesome night I had a great time that dinner was excellent!!!!! great to see everyone good suggestion by adam
  7. I will pick u up
  8. Oh would of like you to be there richarddddddddddddddd
  9. glad to see you have not lost your sence of hope you are feeling ok night liz
  10. The guy was fully insured and the police at the scene where very nice and helpful without any problems. They guy who caused the accident had a bad chest pain where the seat belt caught him in the chest. And i found out of Liz that the guy got done for neg driving too . so there is some justice.
  11. hahahahahhahahha that is funny no bridge with big fire works hahahahahahahahhahaha
  12. i reckon snuggles is what she needs at the moment. we just droped her home as she is tired and mentaly wrecked and will see what tomorrow brings.
  13. Well Liz has had enough looking and feeling like crap so here are the last of the pics got the boot open and well lets just say that she is lucky that she is not hurt the boot is cracked in areas and it is looking like a smiths crinkle cut chip in the boot
  14. Im so upset I love that car and to see it like that is such a shame *cries* Dam!!! team bent bonnet
  15. Looks like still around the 20 mark maybe 25 if everyone come that said they are
  16. shes not laughing too much at the moment beer is not working either might have to do some penis tricks now that is funny dam i cant blam the cold weather either (((ANDREW )))
  17. looks like a integra with that damage man that sucks but now it looks the bomb
  18. shes on her second beer and still going lucky i have enough the car is really bent just went out for another look and the sub frames are rooted as the pics show the crinkles on the rear are not healthy . And yes the welds did hold up
  19. You got that right 4 cars where involved a camry stopped because a truck was checking out some bloody christmas lights which the VW stopped then Liz stopped then a few seconds another VW golf run straight into the back of liz which pushed her into the next car and so on so it was not a nice situation the police turned up and no one went to hospital thank god. And i dont know if any charges where issued either But it is still a sad situation for a somone who has been waiting so long to get there car on the road and when it does it is taken from her by a person not watching the road .
  20. shes at our place having a few drinks best first aid i can think off:)
  21. TODAY on the way home liz was involved in a accident which a car had smashed into the back of her s13 and pushed it into another car . liz is fine and will see the doctors for a check up but the car seems to be in a bad shape as the sub frame is bent as the pics indicate . Liz wanted to officaly let everyone know that she is ok (((ANDREW)))
  22. found some more pics of the day enjoy ((( ANDREW ))))
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