Yes I know and it's a dam shame!! You guys seriously dont know what you are missing out on...I hear "but my car isnt set up yet or properly", How would most really know unless you got out there and really used your car....
I have got the Track bug now and I cant stop and my car inst even set up that great, Good Tyres are the key and then you go from there with what upgrades you need..
There is alway's travelling to another state, I know that sounds huge but its well worth it I can promise I.E Deca, any of the VIC track days..driver training days..
The Mitsibishi club have the right idea and have been putting on motorsports event for as long as I can remember The SVD club used to join in on some of them...Could always do the same and join in on one of there motorkhana,trackdays,hillclimbs to get the feel for it or even share the hiring of the track, If more people get into this sort of stuff then it has to get better!!
This event is awesome and I am in a similar club (SSCC) that run this sort of stuff through out the year.
Great to see that some are going to at least give it ago..and yes Maz you should put your skirt on and lead by example and get out there and do one of these events