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Everything posted by Sinful

  1. Nah just curious..I have too many GTR's as it is lol Thought it might of been, cause not that many big engine buliders in SA.. Thanks
  2. Who built it I wonder?
  3. Happy Birthday!!!!! *ThrowsBallonsandStrippersandShit* Hope you have a great day sweetie
  4. hmmmm
  5. Sinful


    Oi you!!! I got in 2nd so your 3rd in line!!! Lol
  6. Hey Cejay Hmm not sure if could enter and volenteer as most volenteers will be on the back track and we need them out there as long as the cars are running around the track So could make it difficult...I prefer people that are not driving for back track volenteers But there is the bbq and I might need one more volenteer for the skid pan Saturday I think most people will be making there way down to accomodation so should be skylines rocking up through out the day...I know that they will be festivities on that night tho...more then likely dinner at a pub in town and some drink after.. These sorts of events are the best social gathering and its excellent cause you are bound to make a new friends and can finally put face to the forum names lol!!!!
  7. Sinful


    Hmmm I wouldnt mind getting in on this.. What sort of hoarders rubbish are we talking about Dough Boy??
  8. Umm maybe not wave a chequered flag, but would still much appreciate your help?
  9. Spotted "Russia" parked out the front of my work..
  10. nah...it didnt go doubt its still for sale.....
  11. Happy Birthday Adz!!!! *ThrowsBalloonsandStrippersandShit*
  12. Not alot involved really, depends where you are..on the back track just maning a fire extinguisher with someone else and informing us of cras going of the track or any problems... need help on bbq and skid pan as well More then likely will affect if participating
  13. Hey Peeps, As I hope some of or most of you are aware SAU NSW is having a motorkhana called Texikhana on the 16th of September... We need volenteers to help out on the day, this is vital to make this day a success and would appreciate any one that is willing to lend a hand Most volenteer will also get a close view of the motorkhana as will be at select points on the back track.. Volenteers Nigel (BBQ) into obilvion (BBQ) Georgie (Timer, skidpan) evil weevil Dr Doof Bluprint (Back Track) DJ on Ice a20089 (maybe) GeeTR (Back Track) Corolla92 JAS-25T (maybe) Sh@un (Timer)?? Thanks Jess
  14. Hey Peeps, As I hope some of or most of you are aware SAU NSW is having a motorkhana called Texikhana on the 16th of September... We need volenteers to help out on the day, this is vital to make this day a success and would appreciate any one that is willing to lend a hand Most volenteer will also get a close view of the motorkhana as will be at select points on the back track.. Volenteers Nigel (BBQ) into obilvion (BBQ) Georgie (Timer, skidpan) evil weevil Dr Doof Bluprint (Back Track) DJ on Ice a20089 (maybe) GeeTR (Back Track) Corolla92 (Back Track) JAS-25T (maybe) Sh@un (Timer)?? Joeyz Thanks Jess
  15. Hey peeps, Here are some accomodation details for people that want to stay over night or the weekend for the Texikhana down in Sutton on the 16th September... Here is the most resonably priced one we have found and close by : http://www.goseeaustralia.com.au/caravan_p.../accommodation/ Here is list of hotels that are in Canberra, (Sutton is not that far out of canberra): http://www.ratestogo.com/City/EN/Canberra Please organise your own accomodation or try and team up with others that post in this thread to share cabins to make it cheaper again for everyone Thanks Jess
  16. Recieved PM..should have some time to get answers to you tonite! Im excellent just been promoted and only been in the job 2 weeks..other then that just ok Yeah I know all about that dont you worry How you going Maz?? Hiya Shauny Hopefully will have work email by next week so we can start having our chats again Hope your doing well!!!!
  17. Sinful


    :laughing-smiley-014: :laughing-smiley-014:
  18. Hi I havent forgotten about you Maz...sorry been alot going on over here Can you send me a pm please of all info you need...
  19. I will be in for catching up with you wayne-o will be nice to see you again!!
  20. Hahaha I like your attitude!! Its beer O'clock already!
  21. Hey I have paid just then by direct deposit for me and Brad straight into the SAU bank account Reference: Sinful Sutton Rd and Risking Sutton Rd!! Can you please secure our spots... Thanks Jess
  22. Anyone interested in being a volenteers on the day? We will definately need help and any would be kindly appreciated!!!!
  23. Sinful

    Deca Wrap Up

    OMG looks like you guys had an awesome time!!! So sorry I couldnt be there I wanted to believe me!!!! Another awesome DECA, well done to every one involved that put these events on.....getting so big now and everyone that goes is hooked and cant wait for the next one!!! I will be there in December I wont be missing out again!
  24. Hey Shaun, Im ok..... Yeah still havent got work email set up but hopefully soon
  25. :laughing-smiley-014: :laughing-smiley-014:
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