Hi guys,
My r32 Gtr is on dyno and has a missfire on gate pressure of 9psi. Engine is a forged std stroke 26 with jun 264/270 9.5 mm lift cams (I think as these were purchased before my surgery) it has adaptronic ecu, split fire plugs running map sensor . New coil pack harness and bosch 2200 cc injectors with resistor removed. My tuner (jez) is awsome and has tried plugs, coils, harness , cas, adjusting cam timing as well as tune. He has adaptronic guy coming tomorrow to hopefully fix it but any ideas are welcome. He also did comp test which came back perfect. The engine also has new -5 turbos with ported manifolds and the head is mildly ported if that helps and smoke test showed no leaks at 2psi. The car was and is very difficult to tune and was a pig to get running at first, right now it has fresh shell 98 but has a flex fuel sensor waiting e85 tune if we can sought this miss out. Any help is appreciated