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About Dr.J

  • Birthday April 18

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  • Location
    Perth, WA
  • Interests
    Cars, computers, music, guns, movies, tv shows, girlies

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  • Car(s)
    The kind with wheels
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Enthusiast (6/14)

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  1. > $150 per spot > Valid CAMS L2S licence > Usual personal safety gear > Installed (bolted in) fire extinguisher > AS1698 or better helmet > Car is not falling apart > Car is not leaking vital fluids > Seats are secure > Battery is secure > Seatbelts lock under tension > Tyres are not completely bald > Loose objects are removed from cabin Day licences will be available at an additional $65 each PM me with questions. Event Page -> http://trackdaze.com.au/CollieDay6April2014.html
  2. There are still spots available for both sessions so please spread the word! We've got 2 new tracks for this event too! I dunno about you, but I'm looking forward to some 'Shenanigans'
  3. Sunday, 25th August 2013 08:30am until 4:00pm Midvale Speed Dome - Eddie Barron Drive Midvale $90 per driver for either half day session (morning or afternoon) or $175 per driver for the full day Visit the event page below to read the regs and to download the Driver's Form... http://trackdaze.com.au/DomeDay25Aug2013.html And don't forget to tell me if you intend on driving! Reply in here or PM me...
  4. Time Attack Track day at the Midvale Speed Dome. Spots are allocated on a first come, first served basis and if your name is on the list, you'll need to pay A.S.A.P. to secure your spot. It will be a FULL day, split into a morning and afternoon session. The price for each session will be $90, or $175 for both sessions. The morning session will run from 9am -12pm. The afternoon session will run from 1pm - 4pm. Full event Regs and the link to the facebook event are here -> http://www.trackdaze.com.au/DomeDay12May2013.html You may have to ask to join the Track Daze group to see details... Any questions or if you want to come, PM me.
  5. Hi all, I need 1 and only one 15" or 16" 5x114.3 wheel with a decent tyre as a spare. Something like an R32 GTSt wheel with a relatively low profile tyre. It can't have a big tyre as it won't fit where it needs to go. Let me know what you got please..? Thanks!
  6. Don't forget to get there AT LEAST 30 minutes prior to your session tomorrow with a completed Driver's form ready to race. See you there bright and early for the Morning session tomorrow!
  7. Still a spot left in the morning and 2 in the arvo...
  8. Both sessions are filling up fast..!
  9. Time Attack Track day at the Midvale Speed Dome. Spots are allocated on a first come, first served basis and if your name is on the list, you'll need to pay A.S.A.P. to secure your spot. It will be a FULL day, split into a morning and afternoon session. The price for each session wil be $90, or $175 for both sessions. The morning session will run from 9am -12pm. The afternoon session will run from 1pm - 4pm. The Speed Dome is a short course, so it suits quick accelerating and good handling cars, but there's a decent straight so your fast car can stretch it's legs a bit. It will be an Autokhana/Superkhana/Time Attack style event, which essentially means driving really fast around a series of tight corners and short straights against the clock. You will need your own, or access to the following things; > Licenced & roadworthy car > Helmet > Long sleeve shirt and pants (cotton is best) > Closed in shoes > Valid Australian Driver's licence No CAMS or AASA licence required Your car will be scrutineered before you are allowed to drive it on the track. You will need to be at the Speed Dome AT LEAST 30 minutes PRIOR to the commencement of each session for scrutineering. Basically, make sure the following things are done; > Battery is secure > Seatbelts lock under tension > Tyres are not completely bald > Loose objects are removed from cabin > Your car is not falling apart > Your car is not leaking vital fluids Cost is $90 per session or $175 for the full day - payable BEFORE the day please. Spectators are most welcome, but will need to ensure that they stick to the designated spectator areas. You will need to bring your own; > Seats/blankets/cushions to sit on during the day. > Sunscreen, just in case > Insect repellent, just in case. > Don't forget your tools, and spares just in case! > Lunch or something to eat. There are plenty of places close by that sell food. There will be drinks available for sale for $1 per can/bottle. There's plenty of room to make a mistake, so rest assured that the worst that will happen is your car might get a little dirty. It's always good fun, and it's mostly at slower speeds, so drive at the pace that you're most comfortable with. Your times will improve the more you drive. There's a chance of some professional instruction on the day too. The money is NON-REFUNDABLE so if you can't make it, find someone else to take your place. Make sure your car is reliable, and will last the whole day. The price is the same whether you drive for 1 run or for the whole session. You may drive someone else's car (with their permission of course!), but that car will need to scrutineered also if it hasn't been already. Lastly, the track is for everyone who is driving on the day. Each run takes between 40 seconds and 1 minute 30 seconds depending on the track's layout. Don't dawdle, remember who you're after in the running order so that you're ready to go when it's your turn to race. See you there!
  10. $175 and you get lunch and drinks..! 1 spot left too...
  11. 2 spots are still available...
  12. I finally finished editing all of the footage together from the last day in September to make a vid. Enjoy...
  13. I finally finished editing all of the footage together from the last day to make a vid. Enjoy...
  14. Download, complete, and bring this form with you on the day. http://techtoyz.com.au/TrackDayForm.html Don't forget! http://techtoyz.com.au/TrackDayForm.html
  15. True to form, 2 people have just dropped out, so 2 spots have just opened up. PM me if you're keen...
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