No, I dont have insurance. Coz I dont drive that car much. Only like once a week or the time I have to drive it to workshop. The fuxk thing is its a 89 GTR, and I think all the 89 GTR owners know that u have to repair a few thing b4 u give it a hit. Until the car got stolen, b4 that about 1 week. I fix all the small little thing in this car, change all the oil and replace a new ABS unit. I was thinking next long week to drive it and give it a hit. Coz a lot of parts I will receive in this week. And also this weekend is my 21th birthday. I stay in Sydney about 3 years my myself, use to be live by myself. Cars are the only thing that can stay with me and let feel not that loney by stay in a country. That's another reason I'm working so hard and try to change cars every year. But now it just Fuxk at all.
But thx Dave. I knew the feeling. Well, next time, doesn't matter if i buy an old R32 gtr or a new R34 gtr, I will buy insurance, even if i only drive the car once a year or i had the best alram in the world. At least i know it is insured. Well, A big lesson in my life at this moement.