Just a quick request for all SA forum regulars;
The recent heated discussions are something we've not seen in the SA section before (not to any major extent) & I'd like to see things remain this way
If another club wishes to post info on upcoming events then go right ahead. No prob's. If it’s your local knitting club get together then it’s probably better to keep that one to yourself
If anyone has an issue with another persons post please keep the response constructive & refrain from resorting to personal attacks. If you feel the need to get nasty, please keep it via PM.
Here’s an example that wouldn’t get deleted;
“XYZ club has a scone baking day on the 10June03. All are welcome”
Now say don’t like the XYZ club, or had a bad experience with them, your response to the post ( & to let others know) could read as follows;
“I attended an XYZ club meet once & didn’t enjoy myself. I don’t think the XYZ club is my kind of thing. Thanks anyway”
Hey I know it sounds stupid/gay whatever, but you get my drift.
I’m just trying to keep our little SA forums a pleasant place to be : ) Group hug.
Cheers all,
P.S If anyone has an issue with the thread deletion that has taken place recently, PM your concerns & it’ll ignore them & tell you the bugger off Naaa just joking.