yeh do knock all p platers just cause u were a bogan on ya p's, i got my skyline for my first car and nothing has happened to it at all. it all depends on the person, i got mates who i would never ever let near a turbo car or anything near fast because to put it frankly they really suck as drivers. but others are really mature so its up to each person.
saying that if u get a skyline for ya first car, u'll crash it and kill your self is a load to crap. you can kill yourself in anything its just easyer with a turbo. but its all up to the driver. wat people lack to understand is not everyone goes through the bogan p plater stage.
on an ending note - i believe what you first learn to drive with and drive the most really helps in the way u drive. alot of mates i know with shittie cars dont give a crap what they do to it so they just dont care. but the ones that drive there olds car for awhile or have there own nice cars that they had to work for ect. they repect it so much more and would be alot more carefull.
so in the end its up to the person u cant tell them what to do.