far out this kids rolling in it, may i ask where u work? cause i'm in the wrong job!
70k first car mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
when ya think about it most people would never spend 70k on any car in there whole life, yet alone on a bonga first car
yeh dude 17grand is cheap for a good skyline maybe u should save a little more and then get a nice one, u'll be really pushing it to find one for that money. and of course u'd be offended if your selling your car for 19 and someone tries to get it for 16 - wheres the logic?
well i got my line on my p's and everyone says i'm a rich little daddys boy, but i saved heaps hard for the money for my car and i finaly got it after over 3 years of saving so i can understand what u'd get owning a gtr
make sure u have at least 1grand spare for rego, transfer ect
also no chance for u to get insurance with a silvia turbo, i'v been there and tried everything.
u thought about a prelude, civic, integra at all?
my r33 is hard to start for the first time of the day no matter wot time. i have to keep my foot down the accelerator to start it. once i get it warmed up, its fine. can anyone plz help me with this problem?
that would be much appriciated
also i tried reseting the ecu and it just made things worse, before it would start up run for a few seconds and stall if i didn't press the accelerator in but not it will not start unless i toggle witht he accelerator for like 5 secodns while trying to start
its a real pain in the ass, i'd heard of many suggestions but i need to know from someone who has had this problem
so far some of the reasons could be.
*fuel pump
*fuel relay
*fuel pressure regulator
*cold start valve
hmm its amazing if you can disconnect your own immobiliser imagine what car theives can do?!!? hahha thats scary if people on this forum can tell u how to get rid of ya immobiliser
get a pos for ya first car mate, alot cheaper!!! i got a r33 gtr for my first car and my money suply is at a all time low - unless u got a well paying job its gonna be most of your money
ya know u ask this question in a silvia forum u'll get a different answer. alot of what is said here is biased and thats no shit. being a fan of both silvias/skylines i think the sr20de is rather good and would go alright. as for people saying they piss over ca18det's in rb25de's well then i think someones pulling their chains. cause a good driver of a turbo ca is not slow thats for sure
dude if ya keep looking for long enough u'll find one. i just scored myself a great car, stock 93 r33 gts - 84,000 km's sweet 17's but everyone else stock for 12 grand, the rac report came up mint. i'm loving it